Shkuropadska D. Institutional ensuring the resilience of the national economy

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.055.012

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


The dissertation concerns the research of institutional ensuring the resilience of the national economy, analysis of the level of resilience of Ukraine's economy in relation to shock influences in terms of its institutional and external sectors, as well as to development practical recommendations for improving state policy in the field of ensuring the resilience of the economy. Evolution analysis of the scientific and practical approaches to understanding the essence of the economy`s resilience, its types and characteristics allowed justifying resilience of the national economy as an ability of the national economic system to avoid, withstand and recover from shock influences, providing support for its parameters, attributes and functions. The idea of the ability to withstand different shock influences is a prerequisite to studying the issue of resilience of the economy. A critical review of existing methods and models for assessing resilience of the economy resulted to developing guidelines for calculate the level of the national economy`s resilience. These guidelines provide for the calculation of indicators system grouped by the sector of financial corporations, the sector of non-financial corporations, the general government sector, the household sector, and the external sector. This approach makes it possible to determine an integrated indicator of resilience level for each sector and the national economy as a whole. In the context of the institutional foundations study of the national economy's resilience, the main scientific approaches have been analysed to the institutions and institutional environment analysis, which allowed justifying the institutional ensuring system for resilience of the economy. It is determined that the institutional ensuring of the national economy`s resilience is the interaction of formal and informal institutions, as well as public authorities in the process of formation and implementation of the necessary organizational and legal conditions, areas of resilient economic development and compensation mechanisms for ensuring the resilience of the economy. In the context of analysis of the national economy`s resilience to shock influences, the level has been assessed of the institutional and external sectors resilience according to a methodological approach, which provided for a comprehensive analysis of macroeconomic indicators. This approach allowed calculating an integrated indicator of the level of the Ukrainian economy`s resilience in 2008–2018, which has been characterized by unsatisfactory values, and systematization of shock influences by sectors of the economy in the appropriate period. The institutional ensuring for economy`s sectors resilience has been assessed according to such criteria as organizational capacity of the authorities implementing resilience measures; the effectiveness of legal documents constituting legal basis of institutional support; the quality of tasks performed by public authorities to ensure sector resilience; the development of compensatory mechanisms to ensure resilience. This approach analysis showed that the national institutional support for resilience is fully implemented only in the financial corporations sector. A comparative analysis has been performed of the main compensation mechanism components to ensure Ukrainian economy`s resilience, as well as that one of the European Union. It was found that in Ukraine the compensation mechanisms are not effective enough, unlike the European Union, due to the lack of a macro-regulator that would ensure the systematic implementation of measures to ensure resilience of the economy and its sectors in line with the transparency, feasibility and targeted use of financial resources. In the context of improving the institutional ensuring for Ukrainian economy`s resilience, the organizational and legal conditions have been identified based on resource-saving criterion, to which include: property rights protection, insurance market development, prevention and combating corruption, protection of national economic interests, and corporate culture development. The analysis of anti-crisis programs in such European countries as Poland, Slovakia, France, Germany, Norway, resulted in key areas of institutional ensuring for economy`s resilience including introduction of economic incentives, attractive lending conditions, tax and investment benefits, promotion of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as economic diversification, support of employment, development of compensation mechanisms, and attraction of international financial support. The European experience analysis allowed offering a system of measures to implement the areas of institutional ensuring for resilience of Ukrainian economic. In the context of identified areas for ensuring the resilience of the economy in terms of sectors, a system has been developed of the financial and economic tools.


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