Voronyi V. Improvement of special physical preparedness of greco-roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 017 - Фізична культура і спорт


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 08.881.001

Prydniprovsk State Academy of Physical Culture and Sport


The dissertation presents an attempt to solve the urgent problem of improving the special physical fitness of Greco-Roman wrestlers, taking into account the individual style of fighting at the stage of specialized basic training. The aim of the research was to enhance the special physical fitness of Greco-Roman style wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training to improve the effectiveness of competitive activity. The introduction substantiates the relevance of the problem, defines the object, subject, purpose, tasks and methods of the research, reveals the scientific novelty, practical significance of work and personal contribution of the author in published works in co-authorship: the approbation of the research results and the number of publications on the topic of the dissertation are presented. Scientific novelty of the obtained results: - for the first time the program for improvement of special physical fitness of 16-17 years old wrestlers, taking into account the individual style of wrestling (power, tempo, game) weight categories up to 60 kg, up to 67 kg and up to 77 kg, which contains: purpose and objectives, forms of training , plan of training sessions, their content and volume of training loads, means and methods for development of special physical qualities, individual means and methods for technical and tactical training, control criteria is developed ; - for the first time the characteristic features of competitive activity of highly qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers of medium weight categories, their efficiency and effectiveness in competitive fights were revealed; - for the first time the most significant integrated indicators of competitive activity of qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers of weight categories up to 60 kg, up to 67 kg and up to 77 kg were determined, namely the efficiency of attack in the ”referee’s” position, effectiveness of defense in the standing position, potency at the ”referee’s” position. - data on the level of special physical fitness and the correlation between physical aas well as technical and tactical training of qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers in the weight categories up to 60 kg, up to 67 kg and up to 77 kg at the stage of specialized basic training were expanded and confirmed; - data as to use of means and methods of special physical and technical-tactical training of Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training were expanded; - understanding the theory and methods of sports training of skilled wrestlers of the Greco-Roman style received further development. The first section “Modern trends of training wrestlers in theory and practice” presents an analysis of the scientific literature on the subject of the dissertation, provides a general description of the problems of training Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training, considers modern features of special physical training in Greco-Roman wrestling and requirements for the level of development of special physical qualities of wrestlers depending on the individual style of wrestling. The third section “Level of fitness and features of competitive activity of Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training” presents the results of the observational stage of the experiment, which consisted of determining the features of competitive activity of highly qualified Greco-Roman wrestlers, level of physical development, physical fitness, efficiency and the effectiveness of competitive activities of qualified Greco-Roman style wrestlers in the weight categories up to 60 kg, up to 67 kg and up to 77 kg. The interrelation between indicators of physical development, physical fitness and competitive activity of skilled Greco-Roman wrestlers at the stage of specialized basic training was also determined. The fourth section “Substantiation of the program of improvement special physical fitness of wrestlers, taking into account the individual style of wrestling at the stage of specialized basic training” presents the structure and content of the developed program of improvement the special physical fitness of wrestlers. The lesson planning system included preparatory, competitive and transition periods in the annual training cycle. In the preparatory period, the initial level of physical development, physical fitness, features of competitive activity, the quality of technical and tactical actions were determined and the wrestlers were divided according to the style of wrestling. The control system provided for operational and ongoing control of various aspects of wrestlers’ training. In the fifth section “Analysis and synthesis of research results” the results of dissertation work are presented. As a results of the study, three groups of data were obtained that confirm, supplement and extend the existing developments, and completely new results of the study.


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