Olesenko I. Solvency management of a trade enterprise

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.055.004

Kyiv National University of Trade and Economics


The dissertation is a complex research of theoretical, methodical and practical aspects of solvency management of a trade enterprise. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the areas of improvement of solvency management of the trade enterprise on the basis of studying the theoretical and evaluation of practical aspects of the selected issues. The paper considers and systematizes the existing approaches of scientists to the interpretation of the concept "solvency of the enterprise". Based on the addition of the identified essential characteristics, the interpretation of the essence of the concept "solvency of the enterprise" is enriched. It is proposed to classify solvency according to performance elements, stability, efficiency and level of information availability for contractors, which will allow the company's management to define more clearly the areas of solvency management. The author's vision of understanding the essence of the concept of "solvency management" as a multifunctional integrated into the general management system process of prevention and neutralization of insolvency risk, protection of financial interests of stakeholders, economic security and bankruptcy prevention, based on a special system of methods and principles it is prudent to regulate and structure this process at the enterprise. The methodological approach to the construction of the solvency management system at the trade enterprise has been improved, which identifies and reveals the content of its main system-forming elements. A structural and logical sequence of such management has been developed, which covers the strategic, tactical and operational levels and contains nine stages of work. The author's definition of the concept of "efficiency of solvency management of a trading company" is given by defining the characteristics of targeted management. It has been suggested to assess the solvency of trade enterprises on the basis of a system of indicators that are differentiated by level of significance (priority), aspects of solvency and levels of management, and provides a comparison of key solvency indicators not with average standards but with their target values. The analysis of the state and dynamics of the main indicators of solvency of trade enterprises of Ukraine in 2012-2018 has been made demonstrating an acceleration of the decline rate in the level of solvency of trade enterprises. The obtained values of the main solvency ratios testified to the unstable, crisis state of the general and selective set of trade enterprises and made it possible to substantiate the directions of improving the solvency management system of trade enterprises. An improved approach to grouping the company's assets taking into account the specifics of trade has been suggested, incorporating seven groups of assets. It has been suggested to differentiate methods of increasing liquidity of the most important types of current assets (inventories and current receivables for goods, works and services) by individual subprocesses, which will reduce their turnover and, accordingly, improve liquidity and solvency of the enterprise. As part of improving the solvency management process of the trading company, a structural and logical sequence of optimizing the volume and structure of current liabilities of the trading company, consisting of eight stages. The system of principles of optimization of current liabilities has been improved, on the basis of which a model of optimization of current liabilities by means of linear programming has been built. A methodological approach to building a solvency control system at a trade enterprise has been suggested, identifying all system-forming elements, specifying their composition, determining control indicators and control tools for management contours, which forms a block of anti-crisis financial management at the enterprise and helps stabilize financial condition. The author's block diagram of the control process at the trade enterprise, consisting of eight stages, has been developed being directed on maintenance of long-term solvency of the enterprise. As a part of the control process, it is recommended to use an improved gradation of the scale of deviations of control results and the proposed matrix of solutions based on the results of solvency control.


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