The thesis rests on firm theoretical foundation and empirical evidence in order
to research the socio-psychological impact of brand communication on consumer
behavior of student youth. The research will help to enhance brand communication
effectiveness and develop intent-based moral judgments of consumers and brand
communicators. The object of research is brand communications as a sociopsychological phenomenon. The subject of research is a socio-psychological
impact of brand communication on consumer behavior of student youth.
The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the dissertation research is
first: defined socio-psychological criteria (environmental friendliness,
differentiation, positive attitude and motivation) formation of components
(cognitive, affective, motivational) of the brand image as a result of effective brand
communications; the theoretical model of social and psychological features of
influence of brand communication on consumer behavior is constructed; revealed
equal and socio-demographic features of the formation of the components of the
brand image in the perception of student youth;
received further development of the position of the brand as an image of a
social object in the perception of the consumer; brand communication in the
paradigm of social psychology; socio-psychological features and mechanisms of
influence of brand communications on consumer perception and behavior
clarified and deepened the idea of social perception as the perception of social
objects, features of consumer perception and consumer behavior; affective brand
communication as a kind of social communication, etc.
The practical significance of the work is that: certain criteria, indicators and
socio-psychological mechanisms of brand communication can be used in the process
of psychological diagnosis of the effectiveness of the impact of brand
communications on consumer behavior. The methodological tools tested in the study
can become a socio-psychological component of evaluating the effectiveness of
brand communications. The developed and tested method of research of features of
brand communications can be used in daily practice of the advertising companies for
an estimation of efficiency of positioning of various brands.
The dissertation materials can be used in the process of preparing future
managers, marketers, advertising workers, psychologists for professional activities,
in the process of teaching social psychology, psychology of marketing and
advertising, imagology in higher education, as well as to develop teaching materials
focused on qualitative changes in the process of brand promotion
Based on the theoretical analysis of the literature, the main approaches
(psychoanalytic, neobehavioral, cognitive, constructivist, semiotic, activity
approach) to the study of brand communications are identified. Based on the
generalization of the provisions of these approaches, a comprehensive approach to
brand communication as a type of social communication is proposed, which is a set
of certain actions in the process of social interaction (interpersonal, intergroup,
mass), aimed at building socio-psychological relations of brand communicators and
consumer influence on the opinion, motives, attitudes, behavior of consumers in
relation to certain producers of goods / services.
The properties of brand communication are determined: interactivity,
nonlinearity, multilevel, multiplicity, heterochrony, ability to promote the formation
of certain social groups based on the distributed symbolic value of goods / services,
A theoretical model of brand communication is proposed, the main element of
which is the interaction of the brand communicator (producer of goods / services)
and the recipient (consumer), aimed at exchanging brand messages on different
channels and "access points" to form a brand image. It is shown that the result of
brand communication is the image of the brand as a social object, in the structure of
which the following components are distinguished: cognitive (set of knowledge
about the brand, its distinctive characteristics and usefulness to meet consumer
needs; criteria: differentiation and environmental friendliness); affective (causes
positive emotions, a high level of positive attitude to the brand and trust; criterion:
positive attitude); motivating (encourages the consumer to be active in relation to a
particular brand; criterion: conditionality).