Duka M. Primary training of children in difficult types of sport coordination, taking into account the objective prerequisites of early specialization (based on the material of rhythmic gymnastics)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 017 - Фізична культура і спорт


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 26.829.025

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


The dissertation is devoted to the problem of building the educational and training process in rhythmic gymnastics at the stage of initial training in connection with the tendency to early specialization.- the approach to training young athletes in exercises in rhythmic gymnastics, complex in coordination, which consists in the use of macromethodology as a functional set of long-term programs for learning and mastering the "school of movements", basic level, specialization, arbitrary and final programs, and development of physical qualities in combined with technical training based on the interaction of the main goals and specific goals of sports training of gymnasts, the basics of which are proposed by Boloban V . Early sports specialization is associated with the general progress of sports activities - the complexity of technology, tactics, rapid growth of sports results, to achieve which requires more and more time. This requires the coach to recruit into sports groups from an earlier age, which is typical for sports such as rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics, swimming, diving, synchronized swimming, figure skating, where specialization usually begins in preschool age. . The problem of early sports specialization is devoted to the work of specialists in sports theory and certain sports: rhythmic gymnastics, gymnastics; power types and martial arts; handball. A special place is occupied by research related to determining the age of the beginning of sports.


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