Polishchuck V. State regulation of migration processes in the context of socio-economic development of Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 051 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Економіка


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 35.840.006

Lviv University of Trade and Economics


The dissertation is devoted to development of theoretical and methodical and applied bases of the state regulation of migration processes in the context of maintenance of social and economic development of Ukraine. The object of research is the processes of state regulation of population migration in the projection of socio-economic development of the national economy, and the subject - theoretical and methodological and applied principles of research, priorities, mechanisms and tools of state regulation of migration in the context of socio-economic development of Ukraine. Conceptual bases of research of migration processes by definition of their maintenance as sequence of actions and events arising in the course of movements of the population with certain stages, dynamics, a vector, geography, the purpose allowing to carry out their scheme on the basic types - unrealized, repaid, unilateral (separate) , households) with or without the acquisition of citizenship, reverse (voluntary, regulated, compulsory), reverse, cyclical; substantiate the possibilities and specific tools of state regulation at each migration stage. Methodical approaches to the analysis of the interaction of migration and socio-economic processes with the formation of an algorithm for integrated assessment of the components of socio-demographic stability, social development, employment, quality of life, sustainable economic development. The author's methodical approach to assessment is offered, which allows to carry out empirical modeling and assessment of the impact of socio-economic development on the intensity of migration processes, to substantiate priority areas of state regulation of migration potential (including wages, personal protection and security). Theoretical and methodological provisions on the system of state management of migration processes by specifying its instrumental, target and institutional features, as well as the separation of basic models of regulation depending on the coverage of migration stages - basic (at the stage of relocation), situational (depending on the predominance of migration vector), extended (at the stages that ensure the positive effects of migration), comprehensive (at all stages of migration), which allows to optimize the provision of resources and improve management decisions in the field of migration. Scientific and applied recommendations for identification of priorities of state regulation of migration processes in the context of stimulating socio-economic development of the country have been identified. , grant projects on the principle of "one plus one" to increase the efficiency of migration capital and intensify cooperation between government institutions and the diaspora in order to form social unity and counteract assimilation and naturalization. A conceptual and strategic approach to state regulation of migration processes has been developed, which is based on the doctrine of socio-economic growth and focuses managerial influences on the establishment of migration as an asset of socio-economic development under conditions of its security, order and regulation. state regulation of migration processes in the medium term as optimal in conditions of uncertainty. Scientific and applied provisions for the formation of the institutional and legal mechanism for regulating migration processes in Ukraine have been developed, which complements the list of commonly used institutions with opportunities for functional cooperation between government, public, business, science and education and strengthens the participation of migrant associations in public administration decisions. with the management "stakeholders" of the migration sphere on the way to ensuring security, order and regulation of migration for man, society and the state as an imperative of sustainable development. Practical recommendations for improving migration economic statistics by monitoring migration processes and assessing their impact on socio-economic development have been developed, which has expanded the list of indicators in terms of migration stages, updated sociological tools for collecting information and established institutional responsibility for its implementation. control in the system of state policy of regulation of migration processes and ensuring the socio-economic development of the national economy


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