Bober T. Names of clothes, shoes and jewelry in the mid-upper Dnipro (serednionaddniprianskiy) local slang: structure, principles of nomination, spatial variation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Гуманітарні науки. Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 73.053.013

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The thesis provides a complex investigation of the thematic group of vocabulary on clothes, shoes and jewelry in the mid-upper Dnipro (serednionaddniprianskiy) local slang. The selected fragment of clothes names is one of the oldest in the language and demonstrates changes in the material culture and traditions of speakers, which tends to make such lexemes passive and archaic, thus replacing them by others, expanding or narrowing their semantics. In this regard, it is natural that the study of thematic vocabulary group (TVG) of clothing, footwear and jewelry is an important and urgent task of modern dialectology, as the loss of even a small number of such names leads to incomplete description of the national language. Thematic vocabulary group (TVG) of clothing, footwear and jewelry is studied unevenly throughout the Ukrainian dialect continuum, that provides the ground for the thesis to substantiate the theoretical and methodological principles of this TVG research. The following tasks are completed: to record a specially composed questionnaire and to clarify structural organization of the analyzed thematic group, to find out TVG repertoire and semantics, to analyze the dynamic processes and spatial behavior of such vocabulary, to give a complex description of this TVG, including the all-Ukrainian dialect context. Vocabulary for clothing, footwear and jewelry, taken from the mid-upper Dnipro local slang, represents ancient names that are a part of the active vocabulary, and names that have become or are becoming a part of the passive vocabulary of dialect speakers and are a characteristic feature only of the oldest generation. The choice of the names of objects of material culture as an object of the research is due to the need to certify and preserve the names of clothes, shoes and jewelry in the dictionary as such vocabulary accumulates information about the traditions and spiritual culture of the mid-upper Dnipro region.


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