Tishchenko Z. National cultural dominants of Taras Melnychuk’s poetic linguistic world

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 035 - Гуманітарні науки. Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 73.053.012

Bohdan Khmelnytsky National University of Cherkasy


The thesis is the first thorough research of the language of Taras Melnychuk’s poems. Through singling out the nationally marked lexemes from the author’s poetic texts, the scientific work explores the specific character of the national cultural dominants as a factor of building Taras Melnychuk’s individual authorial picture of the world. The topicality of the work is determined by the necessity to make an integral decoding of the deep senses of Taras Melnychuk’s poetic language in order to reveal the author’s intentions by means of a massive analysis of the onyms and individual authorial neologisms in terms of the nation’s mental culture. The research is based on the author’s card index including 1000 lexemes singled out by means of continuous sampling from over 2000 linguistic usages. The scientific novelty of the thesis is that it is the nationally marked onyms and occasionalisms in T. Melnychuk’s linguistic world which are analyzed for the first time in Ukrainian linguistics with regard to their structure, semantics and functions. As a result, the research defines the national cultural dominants which, by forming the images of the poet’s artistic representation of objective reality, intensify the folklore constituent of the language matter. Such approach helps to trace the combination of the traditional and innovative manner of the author’s poetic linguistic thinking. The work also offers a more precise definition of the essence of the national cultural dominant as a constituent of the individual authorial picture of the world. The theoretical significance of the thesis lies in introducing to Ukrainian linguopoetics the notion national cultural dominant and introducing it to Ukrainian linguopoetics. The work also suggests using the notions linguistic signs of dissident literature, dissidents’ language for further development of the vocabulary of the representatives of the 1960-1990-s dissident movement and will thus contribute to the modelling of the outlook of the above period author. By means of singling out the semantic combination own-strange from the onym and neological poetic space, the deep senses of the image symbols are decoded. Such approach contributed to bringing out the problem of structural-semantic changes as projected to the national outlook values of both a particular linguistic personality and a linguistic community. A generalization of the covered theoretical material concerning the scientific approaches and methods of studying poetic language made it possible to choose the most effective ones for a structural-semantic analysis of the national cultural dominants. The fundamentals of the linguistic studies of poetry as an expresser of the folklore picture of the world show a synthesis of the folklore-ethnic picture of the world and the individual one, which points to the changes in the types of poets’ artistic thinking and to the unity of the traditional and the innovative principles. Basing on the selected features, the meaning of the notion national cultural component is specified as an element of the word’s semantic structure that has an etnocultural reference and contributes to the reflection of the specific character of the nation’s world perception and character as revealers of the national cultural self-identification. It is shown that the national cultural component of the lexical meaning is realized within text and extends to the semantics of other linguistic units. With regard to theoretical works, the national cultural dominants are defined as linguistic units which are characterized by a nationally marked component and have become representatives of the specific character of the author’s artistic picture of the word and, as such, act as a means of decoding the archetypes of the collective unconscious and contribute to the understanding of the national culture philosophy as a program of the ethnos’s existence.


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