Zon I. Intestinal yersiniosis in dogs (epizootology, clinical manifestation, diagnostic, treatment)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 211 - Ветеринарна медицина. Ветеринарна медицина


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 55.859.006

Sumy national agrarien university


Based on experimental studies, the results of studying of the epizootic situation regarding intestinal yersiniosis in dogs in Ukraine, determined the current range of serovariants of the pathogen, features and consequences of infection of dogs in different age groups, breeds, housing and feeding conditions, described hematological, biochemical, pathological and pathological changes. course of the disease both independently and together with some infectious diseases, a basic protocol for the treatment of sick animals has been developed. For the first time, a standardized protocol for the treatment of dogs with intestinal yersiniosis was developed and tested on 14 animals with a confirmed diagnosis of intestinal yersiniosis. They were divided into two conditional groups of 7 goals each. Animals of the first group were treated according to the proposed protocol, animals of the second group were treated according to the generally accepted empirical protocol used for gastrointestinal infections. Therapeutic efficacy was associated with the disappearance of clinical signs of the disease against the background of improved hematological and biochemical blood parameters, which were detected in the first group by an average of 4.6 days, and in the second group - by 5.3 days. Blood diarrhea in dogs of the control group disappeared on average on the 6th day, and in the experimental group - by 4.5 days, dogs of the experimental group disappeared on average by 1.5 days, and in the control group - by 1.7 days. Signs of loss of appetite in animals of the experimental group disappeared in 4.6 days, in the control group - on average for 7 days. Based on the materials of the dissertation developed scientific and methodological recommendations "Guidelines for the diagnosis of intestinal yersiniosis of small pets" for educational institutes of veterinary medicine, veterinary laboratories, as well as veterinary clinics of various forms of ownership that work with small animals.


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