Hychko Y. Formation of emotional competence of future psychologists by means of coaching technologies

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 74.053.022

Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University


The author has conducted a theoretical analysis of the state of research on the problem of emotional competence in psychology. It is established that emotional competence is the readiness and ability of a person to flexibly manage emotional reactions, both their own and those of other people, in accordance with the situation and circumstances. According to the concept of competency-based approach, each type of professional activity requires the presence of certain competencies that ensure effective implementation of this professional activity. In the context of the research, the emotional competence of a practical psychologist lies in his/her conscious readiness to implement emotional competencies necessary for the effective implementation of professional activities and solving social problems. Emotional competence is an important factor in the professional and social development of future psychologists. They are the ones who, in the line of their duty, need to be able to establish contacts, maintain relationships, actively interact, achieve mutual understanding during the performance of professional duties, understand people’s behavior, understand their emotional state and needs, provide emotional support, implement an individual approach to each patient, respond emotionally adequately to anger, resentment, criticism from others, maintain balance in conflict situations, i.e., to be prepared for effective communication and emotionally reasonable behavior. Coaching is considered a developmental activity, not an activity aimed at correcting shortcomings in work. The most developed type of reflection of the subjects is defined as retrospective. This can be explained by the fact that students are not limited in time to analyze their mistakes and the specifics of past situations, so they have the opportunity to think in detail, draw the right conclusions, and avoid similar cases in the future. The situational reflection of future psychologists is less developed. This is due to the fact that current situations require students to effectively analyze their “here and now”, which, in its turn, requires the students' ability to respond quickly to changing conditions while taking into account and comprehending the many elements of the situation, making constructive decisions in stressful conditions, i.e., skills of problem-oriented coping. Most future psychologists have an average level of empathy, which indicates their adaptability to the social environment, the ability to note both personal and business traits of a communication partner, lack of tendency for an emotional burnout as a result of empathy of the highest level. Most future psychologists do not have a motivational pole, which indicates moderate activity and initiative in any activity and a certain dependence on external control over the choice of the tasks and their implementation. Also, more than a fifth of those surveyed showed a tendency to focus on avoiding failure. All this indicates the need to increase the motivation of students to succeed through the use of coaching techniques, which will contribute to the development of their emotional competence, as well as the effectiveness of future professional activities. Therefore, in our position, it is necessary to focus on the development of reflective thinking of the subjects, as well as to direct their efforts to independently acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and abilities that will contribute to the development of their emotional competence. Based on the results of the observational experiment, a psychological and pedagogical model of forming the emotional competence of the future psychologist was developed and substantiated, on the basis of which the logic of the formative experiment was built. Based on the results of experimental verification of its effectiveness, the following conclusions can be drawn. Coaching of the formation of emotional competence allows you to help the student see himself in terms of a narrow view of the problem; indicate additional prospects; enter into different perspectives; make a choice; make a plan focused on a specific situation; take the plan seriously and take responsibility; act according to the plan


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