Li Z. Formation of methodical culture of future teachers of music art in the process of professional training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 41.053.022

The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”


The dissertation presents a theoretical generalization and a new solution to the scientific problem of forming the methodological culture of future music teachers in the process of professional training, which allowed to develop, justify and test pedagogical conditions, model and experimental methods of this process. The purpose of the research: to theoretically substantiate and test the pedagogical conditions for the formation of the methodological culture of future teachers of music in the process of professional training. Scientific novelty of the research. For the first time the essence of the phenomenon "methodical culture of future teachers of music art" is revealed and scientifically substantiated, its structure (epistemological, praxeological, axiological and personal components) is revealed; criteria (cognitive, productive-organizational, mental-value, motivational-reflexive), indicators and levels of formation of methodical culture of future teachers of musical art (sufficient, satisfactory, low) are characterized. The pedagogical conditions of formation of methodical culture of future teachers of musical art in the course of professional preparation are scientifically substantiated: the focus of the content of professional training of future teachers of music on the formation of methodological culture; stimulating the intentions of future music teachers to form a methodological culture; creation of a praxeologically oriented interactive art-educational environment aimed at forming the methodological culture of future music teachers. The model of formation of methodical culture of future teachers of musical art in the course of professional preparation is developed. The essence of the concept "praxeologically oriented interactive art and educational environment of higher education institution" is revealed. The essence of the concept "methodical culture of the teacher" is specified. The theory and methods of forming the methodological culture of future teachers were further developed. The practical significance of the obtained research results lies in the developed methods of diagnosis and formation of methodological culture of future teachers of music in the process of professional training; elective course "Fundamentals of the formation of methodological culture of future teachers of music". The results of the study can be used in the educational process of higher education institutions to form the methodological culture of future teachers of music; compiling textbooks, manuals and recommendations for future teachers of music; for writing qualifying papers, preparing reports and articles, etc.


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