Zabolotna O. Psychological structure of the ability to goal-setting at different stages of self-actualization

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 41.051.032

Odessa I. I. Mechnikov National University


The object of research is goal setting as a psychological phenomenon. The subject of research - psychological features of the ability to set goals at different stages of women's self-realization. Research methods. In order to solve research problems in the work used: - theoretical methods (problem-logical method, induction, abstraction, generalization, systematization), used to generalize the theoretical and methodological foundations; methods of psychological diagnostics and methods of mathematical processing; Method of psychological diagnosis. The scientific novelty of the results of the dissertation research is that for the first time the peculiarities of the psychological structure (intellectual, personal and activity components) of the ability to set goals at different stages of self-realization in women were established; the peculiarities of the system of goals and values ​​at different stages of women's self-realization, the peculiarities of the development of their volitional qualities, the peculiarities of intrapersonal congruence / non-congruence; received further development: the idea of ​​the division of goals into demographic, socio-economic, goals of self-improvement, goals-values ​​in the absence of ways to achieve goals; the presence of unreasonable and unstable goals and a moderately pessimistic view of various events in women who are at the stage of self-identification; focus on further self-improvement with a positive assessment of themselves by women who are at the stage of self-actualization. The practical significance of the dissertation is that the results of the research are included in the content of teaching courses "General Psychology", "Psychology of Development" and introduced into research and practical activities of the Department of General Psychology and Psychology of Personality Development Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University and in educational activity of the Odessa National Academy of Food Technologies.


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