Koloskova H. Library and information potential of the region: organizational and functional aspect

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 029 - Культура і мистецтво. Інформаційна, бібліотечна та архівна справа


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.807.004

Kharkiv State Academy of Culture


The thesis is a comprehensive study of organizational and functional aspects of forming and developing library and information potential of the region. Scientific ideas about the essence, content, structure, peculiarities of forming and increasing the efficiency of using library and information potential of the region are supplemented. Strategic directions for improving its level are defined. An innovative model of the library and information potential of the region under the conditions of digitalizing the information space of Ukraine is suggested. It is emphasized that today in situations of transition from traditional to digital socio-communicative space, as well as the need of developing high-tech production, shaping the digital economy of the region, the problem of forming, storing, developing and effective using library and information potential, especially at local and regional levels, is extremely pressing. It is noted that the effectiveness of the regional and national information implementation policy largely depends on the state of developing the library and information potential of the region. Since through orginizing clearly structured documentary and information resources of certain regions of Ukraine not only the right of users to free access to information regulated by current national and international legislation are ensured, but also the development of intellectual potential of the region and, consequently, the digital economy and knowledge society is stimulated. It has been substantiated the introduction of the concept of library and information potential as a set of involved library and information resources in conjunction with management, technical, technological and social means, methods, structures and conditions that allow libraries to promote the reproduction and development of the infosphere, the increasing of information culture, its intellectual potential. In the context of digitalizing the society, the library and information potential should be considered as a part of the overall information capacity of society in general and the region in particular. Such types of library and information potential as starting (internal) and integration (external) are determined. The starting library and information potential is all types of information resources of the library, which are the result of intellectual work of its specialists, its material and technical and personnel capabilities. Integration library and information potential is defined as all types of information resources that are outside the physical boundaries of a particular library, are not owned by the library, but can be presented in unrestricted access in a traditional or digital environment. Structurally, the starting and integration library and information potentials have two components including traditional and electronic ones. The composition and structure of the library and information potential as an integral part of the intellectual capital and digital economy of the region have been clarified. The system components of the library and information potential of the region are tangible (information and technological resources, material and technical base,) and intangible (qualified staff; organizational and managerial measures aimed at strengthening interlibrary cooperation, cooperation of library institutions in the region with other document and information structures) assets of information infrastructure.


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