KOLENKO V. Mechanisms of public administration of interaction of the power with mass media in modern Ukraine

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 281 - Публічне управління та адміністрування


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.707.023



The object of the study is the public administration of government interaction with the media. The purpose and objectives of the work. The purpose of the dissertation is to substantiate the theoretical foundations and develop practical recommendations for improving the mechanisms of public administration of government interaction with the media in modern Ukraine. Research methods. The methodological basis of the work are general scientific research methods and special methods based on modern scientific principles of management, economics and related sciences. The research methodology was based on a systematic approach, the methodological specificity of which is determined by the fact that it focuses research on the disclosure of the integrity of the object and the mechanisms that provide it, to identify different types of relationships of complex objects and bring them into a single theoretical picture . Results: the model of public management of interaction of the power with mass media in modern Ukraine is substantiated, The scientific novelty of the obtained results is to solve the scientific problem of developing theoretical foundations and substantiation of scientific and applied recommendations for improving the mechanisms of public management of government interaction with the media in modern Ukraine. The method of assessing the system of social relations in the process of interaction between the media and the government, as well as the involvement of various social groups in this process, tools and areas of formalization of theoretical developments and conceptual and constructive solutions to problems of public administration mass information in modern Ukraine at the level of basic management models through the use of a variety of information flows. The directions of reforming the methodological apparatus adapted to the problem of public information management in the state, defining the main criteria of systematization and relevant principles of public administration, reflecting the requirements for the process of interaction and mutual responsibility, trust, convention and consensus, mobility, truthfulness, regularity, integrity of ethics. Implemented in the activities of the Department of Civil Protection of the Kharkiv State Regional Administration, the Committee on Family, Youth and Sports of Kyiv district, the Department of Family, Youth and Sports of the Kharkiv City Council. Areas of use: public administration, higher education institutions, local governments.


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