Alhammadi T. Personnel security in the system of risk management of emergencies of business structures.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Управління та адміністрування. Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 41.052.031

Odessа Polytechnic State University


The scientific novelty of the obtained results is the solution of an important scientific task to deepen the theoretical development and substantiation of methodological and applied personnel security principles in the risk management system of emergencies of business structures. The first section highlights: the genesis of the concept of "risk" and "risk management", the main factors in the formation of the risk management system and its change under the influence of various factors. The hierarchy of personnel security in the risk management system of business structures has been improved, with structural components, distribution of functions, levels of subordination and determination of those responsible. The second section improves the definition of "emergency" and its classification features "scale", "scope", "nature of impact" and "nature of consequences". The conceptual approach to the formation of personnel security as a component of the risk management system of business structures has been improved. The necessity of creating personnel security in the risk management system of emergencies of business structures is substantiated. Conceptual, methodological bases and models of the corresponding estimation are developed. The third section offers conceptual and methodological principles of personnel security in the system of risk management of emergencies of business structures; the algorithm of formation and maintenance of personnel safety in the system of risk management of emergencies is developed; proposed information and analytical support, which was improved by using the PATTERN method as a tool for personnel security; a mechanism of state support for the formation of personnel security in the system of risk management of business structures, which is characterized by balancing the goals of sustainable development, global change and prioritization of human capital.


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