Xu B. Determinants of attributive personality behavior

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Соціальні та поведінкові науки. Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 41.053.034

The State Institution “South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushynsky”


The dissertation is devoted to consideration of attributive behavior, which is interpreted as a consequence of end-to-end attributive actions in communicative situations in conditions of different ratio of attitude towards another communicator and his communicative expression. In line with reasoning about understanding as the main subjective mechanism of a behavioral act and behavior in general, and seeing a certain procedural similarity with the phenomenon of attribution, also carried out as a determination of cause-and-effect relationships, a conclusion was formulated about the possibility of naming behavior based on as much on the reflection of objective circumstances as on their subjective interpretation, attributive behavior. Analysis and generalization of the theoretical and substantive aspects of the problem of attributive behavior made it possible to formulate methodological principles as the basis of its original theoretical model:1) the principle of reciprocity as a reflection of the idea of the presence in the mental model of behavior of a certain ratio of external (objective) and internal (subjective) when solving a communicative-interactive pragmatic task; 2)the principle of problem-solving, according to which attributive behavior is the result of mental completion of the conditions of the problem to be solved when appealing to personal resources; 3) the principle of significance as an expression of the signifying function of an individual's speech activity in relation to the naming of one or another displayed sign by a word; 4) the principle of socio-cultural homogeneity postulates the determinism of individual reflection patterns by common conditions of leading activity and belonging to a certain social group with its inherent subculture; 5)the principle of congruence testifies to the presence in the attributive actions of an individual of the personal and activity experience of other members of the group in the form of a certain averaged behavioral pattern; 6) the principle of effectiveness indicates the subordination of attributive behavior to obtaining a task result; 7) the principle of resourcefulness considers the personal resources of an individual as the main functional determinant of attributive behavior.The structure of attribution as a process, the beginning of which is an intentional point, ascending to the subject as a center of vital, personal and activity functions of the individual, is given in the situational context of his life activity, which requires him to behave in an adequate context based on the understanding of the subjects present in it. subject and subject-object relations due to the use of internal (mental, personal, activity) resources. The subjective reality of each of the communicators in communication is mutually revealed not so much at the expense of individual self-presentation, but as a result of attributive decoding of signs of social perception, which, in fact, is the very moment that transforms objectively determined behavior into behavior based on individual interpretations of communicators, that is, on attributive behavior.With the help of factor analysis, the most significant factors of attributive behavior were established: 1) social contact (extraversion, achieving a goal without violating the rights of others, adaptability); 2) alertness (suspicion, inability to forgive people's mistakes, responsibility for one's actions); 3) emotional sophistication (sophistication, self-reference, tendency to re-educate others). These combinations of components of personal experience establish the most noticeable forms of attributive behavior - socially contact, mistrustful, emotionally refined.According to the obtained factors, the possibility of the existence of the following variants of attributive behavior is indicated: 1) socially contact; 2) distrustful; 3) emotionally refined; 4) self-confident; 5) unpretentious; 6) benevolent; 7) socially courageous; 8) authoritarian; 9) frustrated; 10) impulsive. On the basis of the methodological and theoretical analysis of the initial positions of the problem of attributive behavior and the obtained empirical data, a conclusion was formulated about orientation to personal resourcefulness as the main procedural tendency in the implementation of behavioral activity, the level of which is determined by the degree of assimilation of patterns of social behavior in terms of the behavioral activity of a collective subject. Individual variations in the attributive behavior of each specific individual reflect his personal preferences, chosen by him when he is in his psychological niche as part of a collective subject.


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