Hniloskurenko M. Principles of the formation of interactive recreation in the historical city environment

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 191 - Архітектура та містобудування


Specialized Academic Board


National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture


This study analyzes the meaning, possibilities and ways of using the historical architectural and urban planning substance of the city in the forming process of the interactive recreation system. Urban interiors of streets and squares often remain in a state of anabiosis for decades, do not meet the requirements of full-fledged interactive recreation of the population and are rather oriented to address the need for transport and individual social needs, than the development of human relationships within a society with a wealth of historical and cultural heritage. The work consists of an introduction and four sections, which analyze the main principles and methods of forming and improving the interactive recreation system in the context of the urban planning structure and development. In the introduction, the choice of the topic is justified, the goal and task, the object, subject and methods of the research are highlighted, the scientific novelty and practical significance of the obtained results are defined. The first section «The state of research on the formation of interactive recreation in the historical urban environment» consists of three subsections, which analyze the main scientific and theoretical research and ideas highlighted in professional periodical, the national and international regulatory legal framework, presents the main research methods for determination of the state of scientific study of the problem. In the second section «The cultural potential of the historical city as a dominant factor creativity in urban spaces» the leading role of historical and cultural reserves in the central areas of cities and local historical and cultural formations in the peripheral (relating to the central area) urban environment is highlighted, as well as tendencies of successive transformation of the urban public spaces into multifunctional ones in the process of historical development of the cities. The third chapter «The dependence of the transformation of urban public spaces on the differentiation of transport and pedestrian connections» analizes the examples of foreign and domestic practice of forming of an interactive recreation system in the historical city environment. Due to the valuable historical, architectural and urban planning heritage in the center of historical cities, the revalorization and reconstructive modernization of their environment becomes possible for the creation and improvement of the system based on direct contact and visual dialogue of a person with all the components of historical and architectural substance, which is possible only in conditions of creating pedestrian spatial components in the interactive recreation system and contributes to raising the cultural and intellectual, cognitive and educational level of the city society and the tourist contingent. The fourth chapter «Principles of combining of interactivsty and creativity as the basis of improving interpersonal communication and interaction with the historical environment» considers the possibilities of successive development of tendencies in the polyfunctionality of public urban spaces in the interactive recreation system, the fundamental functional and spatial methodological tendencies of the formation of the interactive recreation system depending on the features of the urban historical substance, the principles and methods of forming of the interactive recreation as a creative and innovative space based on the compositional and aesthetic optimization of the historical cities environment. The work emphasizes that the comfort of a significant number of visitors staying in a historical core requires the modernization of public urban spaces and the surrounding buildings in order to ensure their adequate capacity for collision-free (including tourist) viewing and the implementation of public communications. It was established that taking into account the cultural potential of the historical area of ​​the city, the creation of high-quality interactive recreational spaces in it should be based on the leading role of urban interiors of the streets, squares and parks, which, as a result of appropriate reconstructive transformations, receive a full-fledged recreational value in the combined structure of the existing and of new buildings in the central parts of cities. After all, public urban spaces serve as a unifying link of the city, provide its integrity in urban planning, cultural and social aspects and are of a particularly creative recreational importance in the structure of the historically composed urban development. This concept also provides an opportunity for neglected and abandoned territories to get a new purpose and full-fledged functioning for the needs of urban society.

Research papers

Гнілоскуренко М. Ілюзія як метод візуалізації публічного простору. Сучасні проблеми архітектури та містобудування: Наук.-техн. збірник. 2019. № 54. С. 33–42. URL:

Гнілоскуренко М. Інтерактивна рекреація в історичному середовищі міста. Українська академія мистецтва. 2019. № 28. С. 5–10. URL:

Гнілоскуренко М. Середовище історичних ареалів міст як основа формування інтерактивної рекреації. Український журнал будівництва та архітектури. 2021. № 1. С. 36–44. URL:

Hniloskurenko М., Skoryk L. The leading importance of architectural conservation areas for the establishment of a modern system of interactive recreation in historical cities. Linguistics and Culture Review. 2021. 5(S4). P. 1312–1324. URL:

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