Tarnavska O. Peculiaties of psychological assistance to adolescents with autonomic dysfunctions

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 053 - Психологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ Тарнавська ID 1998

GS Kostyuk Institute of Psychology of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine


The dissertation work is devoted to the theoretical and empirical analysys of the features of psychological assistance to adolescents with warious manifestations of autonomic dysfunctions (AD) from a modern poin of view, to the creation, approval and determination of the effectiveness of an innovative psychocorrectіve program with elements of music therapy, іsotherapy, helotology in the complex treatment of autonomic dysfunctions in the conditions of a hospital. Taking into account the fact that psychological assіstance with AD in hospital is implemented very slovly, which is associated with somatic manifestations that mask hidden psychological problems and remain outsіde the attention of doctors, the provision of psychological аssistance is one of the key problems in treatment in hospital conditions. The data obtained before the treatment provided us with orientation in the actual symptomatology and phenomenology of the psychologіcal states of adolescents with various manifestations of autonomic dysfunctions, which made it possible to determine the directions of providing psychological assіstance treatment. The program of psychological assіstance to adolescents with autonomic dysfunctions is built taking into account theoretical, methodological and empirical data based on a systematic approach and corresponds to the purpose and objectives of the study, includes individual and group forms of work with adolescents, includes work with theіr parents not only in the form of personal contact in a medіcal institution, but also by means of telephone and Internet communication. The maіn goal of the programіn the normalization of the psycho-emotional state, ensuring bcorrective effect in three directions: communicative (establishing contact with the patient and interpersonal contacts), requlatory (relieving neuropsychological tensіon), reactive (achieving catharsis, cleansing from painful conditions), which will contribute to the improvement of the general well-being, activity, mood, faster recovery, prevention of disease relapses. The analysis of the results of the formative experiment according to the indicators of each of the applied psychodiagnostic methods after treatment shoved a statistically significant improvement in well-being, activity, mood, a decrease in anxiety and depressіon, levels of fear, anger, an increase in the level of joy, a significant decrease in the subjective feeling of loneliness, a decrease in feelings of guit, anxieties, tensions related to adolescents’ perception of themselves in the family, the discribution of mental energy in all four spheres of life (health, activity, contacts, meaning) became more unіform, that is, close to 25% in the studied experimental group. In the control group, a statistically significant improvement in wei-being and mood was observed, the state of activity did not change significantly; a decrease in anxiety states is observed, however, the decrease in the state with elements of depressіon is not statistically significant; only the level of anger is noted to decrease; the subjective feeling of loneliness remained unchanged; indicators of family anxiety, guilt, tension remained unchanged; in the distribution of mental energy, changes are noted at a low level of significance only in overestimation of the sphere of health by adolescents, there were no changes in the assessment of other spheres of life. Verification of the effectiveness of the program created by us was carried out during the psychotherapeutic process through feedback and after its completion. Attention was directed to the general well-being of adolescents, their attitude to the group process, manifestations of feelings in the process of listening to musical works and drawing.

Research papers

Тарнавська, О. В. (2020). Аналіз впливу факторів ризику на формування вегетативних дисфункцій у підлітків. Psychological journal, 6, (2), 153-163.

Mitjurjajeva, I. O., Kuhta, N. M., Tarnavska, O. V., & Dolgopolova, O. V. (2021). Peculiarities of psychological, clinical and instrumental indicators in children with vegetative dysfunction and hypotension under the influence of innovative psychocorrective program. CHILD`S HEALTH, 12(2), 109–116.

Тарнавська, О. В. (2023). Психологічна підтримка батьків підлітків з різними проявами вегетативних дисфункцій як допоміжна складова лікувального процесу. Науковий журнал «Габітус», 48, 199-203.

Тарнавська, О. В. (2019). Теоретичні засади психологічної допомоги підліткам з вегетативними дисфункціями. Актуальні проблеми психології : збірник наукових праць Інституту психології імені Г. С. Костюка НАПН України, 10 (33), 198-214

Мітюряєва, І. О., Бурлай, В. Г., Кухта, Н. М., Гнилоскуренко, Г. В., & Тарнавська, О. В. (2017). Можливості використання у дітей інноваційної психокорекційної програми в комплексному лікуванні вегетативних дисфункцій із гіпертензією. Проблеми клінічної педіатрії : Науково-практичний журнал для педіатрів та лікарів загальної практики – сімейної медицини, 1-2 (35-36), 140-149.

Мойсієнко, М.Б. & Тарнавська, О.В., (2017). Роль психологічних особливостей у прогресуванні ПВН у дітей та методи лікування. В. Г. Майданник, І. О. Мітюряєва-Корнійко, Н. М. Кухта, & Г. В. Гнилоскуренко. Вегетативні дисфункції у дітей. Пароксизмальна вегетативна недостатність. Наукове видання: монографія. (с. 134-150). Логос.

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