Shchetynskyi O. Shchetynsky O. S. Typology of composer's self-actualization (from the creative laboratory of L. Hrabovsky, V. Baley and V. Bibik)

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 025 - Музичне мистецтво


Specialized Academic Board


I.P. Kotlyarevsky Kharkiv National University of Art


The dissertation is devoted to the study of the processes of creative selfrealisation of a composer on the way to achieving the maximum expression of artistic individuality, which is understood as an act of composer's self-actualization. The research proposes a typology of composer's self-actualization, shows its sources, preconditions, operational space and mechanisms of implementation. The manifestations of self-actualization are specified on the examples of the works of Ukrainian composers of the second half of the twentieth century: L. Hrabovsky, V. Baley, and V. Bibik. The object of the research is the composer's creative process as a multilevel cultural phenomenon. The subject of the research is the process of self-actualization of a composer as an artist in existential, artistic, cultural and social dimensions. The purpose of the research is to comprehend composer's selfactualization as a manifestation of mature creativity, to identify its structure and mechanisms of functioning, to determine its role and place in the composer's creative process. The starting point for the concept presented in this dissertation was the theory of motivation by A. Maslow. Within the framework of his theory, the concept of self-actualization is treated as the full realisation of a person's capabilities and abilities. In the course of development, an individual goes through the satisfaction of needs of different levels - from the lower ones (physiological, safety, need for love and belonging to society) to the higher ones (need for respect and success in life, need for self-expression and self-actualization). It is emphasized that composer's self-actualization, which is considered in the dissertation as a subtype of "artistic self-actualization", is always an individual and social process, which is impossible without an adequate public response. The author emphasizes the significant differences between the term "composer's selfactualization" and the commonly used concept of "mature creative period", which does not necessarily bring significant artistic achievements (discoveries), and therefore self-actualization does not occur. When studying composer self-actualization, one cannot avoid the axiological aspect. It is important to understand self-actualization as a processual phenomenon that can be dispersed in time. It can be repeated periodically throughout the artist's life, reaching its culmination, and then fade and disappear. The author points out the possibility of collective self-actualization of a group of artists when they develop a common artistic "problematic" or are co-authors. This process is a consequence of the multi-level nature of artistic self-actualization, which leads to the emergence of a special "self-actualization constellation". Each of the three authors has reached the level of self-actualization in his own way, focusing on avant-garde poetics as a basic paradigm for creativity. The analyzed works are full of composer's discoveries that capture the unique artistic individuality of each of them in its entirety and integrity. Although L. Hrabovskyi, V. Baley and V. Bibik are composers who are extremely different in terms of style, imagery and writing technique, they have several important features in common. These are Ukrainian creative roots, well-timed formation of a creative reservoir sufficient for further self-actualization, stylistic orientation towards the achievements of musical modernism and the avant-garde of the twentieth century, independence of artistic position, and social activity. Each of the three composers represents a certain model of composer self-actualization, which is, on the one hand, an individual version of artistic self-expression, and, on the other hand, to a certain extent, a typical example of artistic destiny - the life scenario of a composer of his time. In the Conclusions, the following markers of the composer self-actualization are formulated: the composer's inner sense of freedom in mastering the material and its development, a well-developed writing technique, the ability to quickly and accurately assess and respond to artistic phenomena, independence of judgement, full concentration on composing, the way of thinking that is rooted in one's national culture, and the ability to effectively structure his or her own creative work. The existence of this set of characteristics provides the composer with the basis and opportunities for fully realizing his creative potential and achieving composer's selfactualization.

Research papers

Щетинський О. С. Валентин Бібік : набуття творчої зрілості. Аспекти історичного музикознавства. Вип. 23. Харків. нац. ун‑т мистецтв імені І. П. Котляревського. Харків, 2021. С. 42–64.

Щетинський О. С. Вірко Балей: музичний міст між світом і Україною. Часопис Національної музичної академії України. № 2 (43). Київ : НМАУ ім. П. І. Чайковського, 2019. С. 49–66.

Щетинський О. С. Запозичене й оригінальне в Тріо Леоніда Грабовського. Науковий вісник Національної музичної академії України імені П. І. Чайковського.. Вип. 132. Київ : НМАУ ім. П. І. Чайковського, 2021. С. 106–120.

Щетинський О. С. Музична іконографія Благовіщення: особистий досвід. Аспекти історичного музикознавства. Вип. ХVІІ. Харків : ХНУМ імені І.П.Котляревського, 2019. С. 74–89.

Щетинський О. С. Своє і чуже: співіснування авторського і запозиченого в сучасому музичному творі. Аспекти історичного музикознавства. Вип. ХІV.Харків: ХНУМ імені І.П.Котляревського, 2019. С. 122–131.

Щетинський Олександр. Слово композитора. Аспекти історичного музикознавства. Вип. ХІІІ. Ред.-упор. Анфілова С. Г. Харків : ХНУМ імені І.П.Котляревського, 2018. С. 5–13.


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