Dida H. Formation of medical college students’ readiness for personal and professional self-development by means of information technologies.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 58.053.039 (2735)

Ternopil National Pedagogical University named after Volodymyr Hnatyuk


The dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the field of knowledge 01 Education / Pedagogy, specialty 015 Vocational Education (by specialization). – Ternopil Volodymyr Hnatiuk National Pedagogical University, Ternopil, 2023. The work has been devoted to the research of theoretical, methodological and practical aspects of forming readiness for personal and professional self-development in medical students through the usage of informational technologies. During the research, we have analyzed the psychological and pedagogical basis of the term "self-development". A historical and pedagogical analysis of the potential of medical higher education for personal and professional self-development of students has been carried out, and the pedagogical potential of the medical college has been considered. The characteristics of the key means of information technologies, which are expedient to use to stimulate the personal and professional self-development of students in medical colleges, are presented. It is summarized that informatization of education will lead to active improvement of the educational process of the college. Thus, a student can use a large amount of diverse information, collect and process it, and the teacher is freed from routine actions and gets the opportunity to monitor and stimulate the student's personal and professional development. From a psychological and pedagogical point of view, the active use of information technologies helps to improve the quality of the educational process, increases the effectiveness of students' independent work. Based on the analysis of pedagogical research, the motivational, cognitive, emotional and activity components of students' personal and professional self-development have been identified, and their criteria and indicators have been defined at three levels (high, sufficient, elementary). The necessity of introducing psychological and pedagogical conditions into the professional training of future professional junior bachelors of specialty 223 Nursing has been established: formation of motivation for personal and professional self-development of medical college students using multimedia technologies based on the acmeological approach; implementation of a competency-based approach to the professional training of medical college students based on information technology; enrichment of the personal potential of students using a project approach. In the course of the research, a structural model was built that reflects the content of the experimental research work and is represented by the following blocks: target (goal, task), educational (psychological and pedagogical conditions), structural and pedagogical (stages of readiness formation, components, readiness criteria, methods, means, approaches and principles) and effective (levels, result). In order to achieve qualitative and quantitative changes at the stage of readiness of medical college students for personal and professional self-development, ascertaining and formative stages were organized. The applicants of higher education in the educational programs "Medical Care" and "Nursing" of specialty 223 "Nursing" of the Professional Medical College of the Rivne Medical Academy of the Rivne Regional Council and the separate structural subdivision "Dubno Professional Medical College" of the Rivne Medical Academy the Rivne Regional Council of have been involved in the formative stage of the experiment. The differences in the distributions of CG and EG respondents by the levels of readiness for personal and professional self-development of medical college students by means of information technologies according to the averaged values of Kolmogorov-Smirnov criteria proved the statistical significance of the results. The research has theoretical significance for further study and solution of the problem of forming readiness for personal and professional self-development in the organization of the educational process of future healthcare professionals in the disciplines of professional training and can be used to improve the professional training; by curators and tutors in the design of activities for personal and professional self-development. The practical significance of the research lies in the development and implementation of the special course "Personal and Professional Self-Development of the Future Medical Worker", innovative forms and methods based on the usage of informational technologies and increasing their readiness for personal and professional self-development. Scientific and methodological materials and an educational and methodological guide for teachers of medical colleges have been developed to improve the educational and cognitive activities of students during their professional training based on the usage of information technologies.

Research papers

Діда Г. А. Підготовка майбутніх фахівців сестринської справи до професійного самовдосконалення. Науковий Часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова Серія 5. Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи. Збірник наукових праць 73. Том 1. С. 103–106.

Dida, H., Turovskaya, I. Information and communication technologies (ICTS) as a means of fostering cognitive interest in medical college students. Věda a perspektivy. 10(17). 41–47.

Калаур, С. М., Діда Г. А. Методологічні засади інформаційно-комунікаційних технологій в освітньому процесі. Науковий журнал Хортицької національної академії. (Серія : Педагогіка. Соціальна робота). 2(7). С. 17–26.

Діда, Г. А. Використання інформаційних технологій у професійній підготовці компетентного випускника медичного коледжу. «Наукові інновації та передові технології» (Серія «Управління та адміністрування», Серія «Право», Серія «Економіка», Серія «Психологія», Серія «Педагогіка»). 10(24). С. 569–577.

Діда, Г. А. Професійний саморозвиток особистості студента медичного коледжу: мотиваційно-цінісний компонент Освіта. Інноватика. Практика. 11(5). 13-17.

Діда, Г. А. Характеристики психолого-педагогічних умов формування готовності до особистісного і професійного саморозвитку студентів медичних коледжів. Вісник науки та освіти (Серія «Філологія», Серія «Педагогіка», Серія «Соціологія», Серія «Культура і мистецтво», Серія «Історія та археологія». 8(14). С. 505–516.


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