KORINENKO B. Improvement of pyrolytic processing technology of polymer waste

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 183 - Технології захисту навколишнього середовища


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 05.052.018

Vinnytsia national technical university


Ph.D. thesis: 210 p., 54 tables, 45 figures, 3 appendixes, 214 references. INDUSTRIAL AND HOUSEHOLD WASTE, THERMAL PROCESSING, POLLUTION, BIOFUELS, FUEL BRIQUETTES, WASTEWATER TREATMENT, CATALYST, CONVERSION, PYROLYSIS, PLASTIC LUBRICANTS, ENERGY, POLYMERS, GASOLINE AND DIESEL FUELS. The object of research is the processes of thermochemical destruction and processing of polymer waste. The purpose of the work is to develop a modernized technology for low-temperature processing of polymer waste and to study the possibility of using such final products as alternative forms of energy. The subject of the research: low-temperature and catalytic pyrolysis of polymer waste (HDPE, LDPE, PP, ABS plastic) and the possibility of using the final products of the process as alternative sources of energy. Research methods: the physical and chemical properties of the substances under study were studied using standardized methods; determination of the calorific value of fuel briquettes was carried out in the IKA S200 calorimeter; tribotechnical properties of new N, S-containing plastic lubricants were studied on the SMC-2 friction machine; with the help of an chromatograph Agilent Technologies 7890 A with a flame ionization detector, the chemical composition of the liquid fractions of the pyrolysis processing of waste PP, ABS plastic (LDPE 50 % + HDPE 50 %) and a mixture (LDPE 50 % + HDPE 50 % + MgCl2 · 6H2O 2,8 % wt.) were determined and using the chromatograph Chrom-5, chromatographic analysis of the gas component was performed; the results of analytical studies were processed using the Chem Station software. With the advent of the era of mechanization, the trend towards the use and production of plastic products has increased. However, this technological process has a serious problem - the accumulation of solid waste in the planet's biosphere and its irreversible impact on the biochemical processes of living organisms. In Ph.D. thesis, after a detailed study of the literature references, a method of solving the problem of accumulation of polymer waste has been described - it is a method of low-temperature (350 - 450 °C) pyrolysis. The method allows not only to prevent an environmental catastrophe, but also to obtain, within the framework of the circular economy, valuable final products: pyrolysis liquid, gas mixture and pyrocarbon - alternative sources of energy. From the above, it follows another solution to the large-scale problem of humanity - balanced use of nature. In the course of the research work, an experimental study of the thermal destruction of a mixture of polymer waste in the presence of natural bischofite was carried out for the first time on a periodic unit in a closed volume without access to air oxygen, which ensured an increase in the yield of pyrolysis liquid, reduced energy consumption and made it possible to ensure an ecological process. Based on the data of chromatographic analysis, a significant difference has been established between the chemical composition of the initial products and the possibility of introducing the final substances into various industries. Thus, the developed method of manufacturing fuel briquettes by pressing the charge from pyrocarbon, determined their calorific value and calculated the most optimal ratio of components for the maximum calorific result, made it possible to implement the use of briquettes as a solid fuel for heating boilers of various institutions and premises. One of the important stages of the Ph.D. thesis was the method of regeneration and production of new N, S-containing plastic lubricants with the participation of pyrocarbon. It has been experimentally confirmed that with such a component, the wear resistance and heat resistance of operating parts has increased. According to the general method according to GOST 2177-99, fractional distillation of pyrolysis liquid was carried out on a laboratory unit. Analysis of the chemical composition of individual fractions showed the possibility of their use as components of gasoline and diesel fuel for internal combustion engines. By supplementing the basic technology of pyrolysis processing with additional pyrocarbon processing units, has been obtained a new method of not only effective solid waste processing, but also a promising environmentally safe method of obtaining alternative energy sources.

Research papers

Б. В. Коріненко, О. С. Худоярова, М. В. Хутько, та А. П. Ранський, «Особливості термодеструкції вторинної полімерної сировини», Вісник ВПІ, № 1, с. 29-36, Лют. 26, 2021//категорія «Б»;

Б. В. Коріненко, О. С. Худоярова, К. Ю. Гура, та А. П. Ранський, «Циркулярна економіка та термохімічна конверсія твердих відходів», Вісник ВПІ, № 4, с. 7-19, Серп. 31, 2021//категорія «Б»;

Б. В. Коріненко, А. П. Ранський, та О. С. Худоярова, «Каталіз низькотемпературного піролізу полімерних відходів», Вісник ВПІ, № 5, с. 27-37, Жовт. 29, 2021//категорія «Б»;

Б. В. Коріненко, «Мікропластик як глобальне джерело забруднення навколишнього середовища», Вісник ВПІ, вип. 6, с. 6-12, Груд. 30, 2022//категорія «Б»;

А. П. Ранський, Б. В. Коріненко, О. А. Гордієнко, Є. О. Євдокименко, «Альтернативна енергетика: отримання паливних брикетів із пірокарбону термодеструкції полімерних відходів», Вісник ВПІ, № 1, с. 13-20, Лют. 28, 2023//категорія «Б»;

Б. В. Коріненко, та А. П. Ранський, «Альтернативна енергетика: отримання синтез-нафти при піролізній переробці поліпропіленових відходів», Вісник ВПІ, вип. 2, с. 6-14, Трав. 04, 2023//категорія «Б»;

O. Khudoyarova, A. Ranskiy, B. Korinenko, O. Gordienko, T. Sydoruk, N Didenko, and R. Kryklyvyi, “Integration of Technological Cycles of Industrial Waste Processing”, J. Ecol. Eng., vol. 22, iss. 6, pp. 209-214, 2021//категорія «А».


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