VARZHEL O. Grounds for Strategic Priorities and Technologies of Ensuring Ecological Safety of Rivne Region Agricultural Sector.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 183 - Технології захисту навколишнього середовища


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 05.052.014

Vinnytsia national technical university


The qualifying scientific work represents the solution of significant scientifically appliedtask which isaimed at evaluation of ecological safety of Rivne region agricultural sector. There is some analysis of the latest publications where ecological hazard is defined as the thre at toworsen the quality of the environment, to do damageto people, individuals, population sando ther living organisms, raised by existence or population reason for emerging ecodestructive natural and anthropogene factors. It is ascertainedthattodefineecological safety of agricultural sector the following characteristic sare of specific importance: priority, protection, balance, permanency, unlimitednessintime, dynamics, preventiveness. Taking in to account these characteristics author`s definition of the concept “Ecological safety of agricultural sectoras a type of dynamic balance of complicated, open, authentic, non-linear system, resource, agroecological, anthropocentric components that in fluence a person and economicsunder which the system of prevention of any destructive factors emersionis functioning, protection of a man, soils, soil ecosystems, resources, crops from their activity, preservation of the irpeculiarities and sustaining their renewablecapabilityinthenearestanddistantprospects” issuggested. It is recommended to take a gapbetweentheconcept “ecological safety” (when threatsareabsent) and “ecological hazard” (when threatsworsenthehabitatuptotheirimpossibilitytoberenewed) as the base for agricultural sector diagnostics system. It is suggested to represent agricultural sector ecological safety according to the types of interconnected objects by the function of three variable ones, suchasresources, agroecological, anthropocentric components which are characterized by basic ecological indicators. It is pointed out that the state of agricultural sector ecological safety is defined by the following factors: stimulants that make positive impact onits state and destimulants which inversely influence the agricultural sector state negatively. It is recommended to define the following criteria of agricultural sector ecological safety: ecological safety (when indicators of resource, agroecological, anthropocentric components of agricultural sector are maintained by the approximatevalueto optimal), ecological risk (indicator sof agricultural sector components have in significant divergence from optimal), ecologicalthreat (when some indicators of agricultural sector components have essential divergence from optimal butitis possible to renew them to the previous or close parameters), ecological hazard (when the indicators of agricultural sector components have worsened to the limit when their renewal to the previous parameters become simpossible). The rewas worked out the block-system of the diagnostics of agricultural sector ecological safety which canbereasonablycarriedoutaccording to three blocks: preparatory, analytical, evaluative. At the final stage of evaluation of agricultural sector ecological safety aggregated block indicators are integratedin to indicators of ecological safety, according to which the following onesareused: 1,0-0,6835 – safety; 0,6835-0,4851 – risk; 0,4851 – 0,1902 – threat; 0,1902-0 – danger, and they defineitsstate. The suggested methods of diagnosis of ecological safety of the districts agricultural sectoris recommended to be used by united territorial сommunities (UTC), village councils (VC) in order to defined angerousthreatening states of resource, agroecological, anthropocentric components and planning the irelimination while working out the strategies of sustainability and programmes of actions for environment protection of the seadministrative units. It is advis able to carry out the improvement of regional monitoring system synchronously following the stages: monitoring of environment quality indicators, analysis and evaluation of environments tate, it schanges and consequences of the sechanges, prognostication of the influence of quality indicators of environment on the state of ecological safety and population morbidity.


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