Semenenko R. Reducing the negative impact of municipal energy on the environment through the gradual, rational implementation of energy efficiency measures

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 183 - Технології захисту навколишнього середовища


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 05.052.030

Vinnytsia national technical university


Ph.D. thesis: 206 p., 25 tables, 39 figures, 8 appendixes, 107 references. MUNICIPAL ENERGY, BUILDING HEAT SUPPLY SYSTEMS, ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION, ENERGY-EFFICIENT MEASURES, ALTERNATIVE ENERGY SOURCES, PHASED RATIONAL IMPLEMENTATION, ENVIRONMENTAL AND ENERGY EFFICIENCY. In the dissertation, the actual scientific and practical task of creating and testing on real objects the methodology of step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in technical systems "producer-consumer of thermal energy" was set and solved. Its use allows to increase the level of environmental, energy and economic efficiency of these systems. The problem, the solution of which is aimed at the dissertation: inefficient and irrational use of energy and fuel resources in the field of heat supply, which leads to excessive pollution of the atmosphere of urban areas with emissions of harmful substances and greenhouse gases from communal boilers and the reduction of exhaustible natural resources. The object of the study: the processes of the formation of complex ecological, energy and economic effects from the implementation of resource and energy saving measures in the heat supply systems of buildings. The subject of the research: the methodology of step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in the technical system "heat energy producer-consumer" in the communal sector in conditions of financial deficit with obtaining the maximum possible ecological, economic and resource-saving effects. The purpose of the work is: to reduce the negative impact of communal energy systems on the environment by applying technologies of step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures recommended by the results of an energy audit at facilities that produce and consume thermal energy. The tasks of the work are: analysis of the mechanisms of the formation of environmental and economic effects from the implementation of energy-efficient measures at facilities that produce and consume thermal energy; development of an algorithm for implementing the technology of step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures, comparing it with the technology of simultaneous complex implementation of energy-efficient measures; substantiating the expediency of using information maps with the results of evaluating the environmental and economic efficiency of procedures for implementing energy-efficient measures; creation of a methodology for the step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in the "heat energy producer-consumer" system; development of a software complex for diagnosing the ecological and economic condition of natural objects, determining parameters and evaluating the effectiveness of the procedure for the step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures; working out the methodology of step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in the "heat energy producer-consumer" system at natural objects; carrying out theoretical and applied studies on the greening of objects of heat producers and consumers: combined heat supply systems, "smart" heating systems, groups of typical buildings, buildings with thermal protection defects. The scientific novelty of the obtained results, which are submitted for defense, is as follows: 1) For the first time, the expediency of using information maps with the results of the assessment of ecological and economic effects from the implementation of procedures for the simultaneous comprehensive and phased rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in buildings and heat supply systems, which make up the analytical base for the reasoned choice of the best procedure for implementation, has been scientifically substantiated; 2) For the first time, a methodology for the step-by-step rational implementation of energy-efficient measures in the "heat energy producer-consumer" system was created, which forms the theoretical basis for determining the parameters and evaluating the effectiveness of the corresponding procedure for realizing the ecological and economic potential of this system; 3) The mathematical model for evaluating the efficiency of the combined building heating system with alternative energy sources was improved by introducing the criterion of complex ecological and economic effects based on the method of weighting factors; 4) The mathematical model for evaluating the energy efficiency of "smart" heating systems of buildings, taking into account the influence of the factor of solar heat input on it, which is determined by the geographical location of the building and the orientation of its enclosing structures according to the cardinal points, has received further development.

Research papers

А.П. Полив’янчук, М.Ф. Смирний, С.В. Романенко, Р.А. Семененко, [та інш.], «Дослідження ефективності системи екологічної діагностики теплових двигунів та котельних установок», Комунальне господарство міст. Серія: Технічні науки та архітектура, № 6 (152), с. 73–78, 2019;

А. Polyvianchuk, S. Romanenko, R. Semenenko, [et al.], “Complex assessment of the energy-saving measures effectiveness in the field of heat supply of educational institutions”, Municipal economy of cities. Series: Engineering science and architecture, - №4 (157), pp. 122 – 126, 2020;

Polyvianchuk A. The efficiency of innovative technologies for transition to 4th generation of district heating systems in Ukraine / A. Polyivanchuk, R. Semenenko, P. Kapustenko, J.J. Klemeš, O. Arsenyeva // Energy, 2023. – Vol. 263, Part D. – p. 11. (Scopus, Q1);

Polyvianchuk A. The general-purpose approach for estimation of residential heating systems efficiency using the various energy sources / A. Polyivanchuk, V. Malyarenko, R. Semenenko, K. Gura, P.S. Varbanov, O. Arsenyeva // Energy and Buildings, 2023. – Vol. 296. – p. 9. (Scopus, Q1);

A.P. Polyvianchuk, R.A. Semenenko, O.O. Skuridina, [et al.], “Research of the ecological and economic efficiency of the "smart home" technology application in the building heating system“, German International Journal of Modern Science, № 12, Vol. 1 – рр. 71-73, 2021;

A.P. Polyvianchuk, I.V. Belousov, R.A. Semenenko, “Development and implementtation methods multicriteria evaluation of efficiency energy saving activities in the field of heat supply“ – collective monograph, Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 370-396, 2020;

A.P. Polyvianchuk, R.A. Semenenko, S.V. Romanenko, [et al.], “Evaluation of the energy saving measures effectiveness in the production, transportation and consump-tion of thermal energy in the communal sector“ – collective monograph. Riga: Izdevnieciba “Baltija Publishing”, pp. 166-191, 2020;

М.К. Сухонос, А.П. Полив’янчук, Ю.Л. Коваленко, М.Ф. Смирний, С.В. Романенко, Р.А. Семененко, [та інш.], «Створення та апробація концепції комплексного оцінювання енергетичної, екологічної та економічної ефективності заходів з енергозбереження в будівлях», Комунальне господарство міст. Серія: Економічні науки, № 6 (145), с. 33–37, 2018;

А.П. Полив’янчук, Н.М. Полив’янчук, Р.А. Семененко, [та інш.], «Дослідження еколого-економічної ефективності геліосистем при реалізації концепції сталого розвитку в комунальній енергетиці», Комунальне господарство міст. Серія: Технічні науки та архітектура, № 1 (147). с. 83–88, 2019;

А.П. Полив’янчук, Ю.Л. Коваленко, С.В. Романенко, Р.А. Семененко, «Комплексне оцінювання економічної та еколого-енергетичної ефективності використання технологій «розумний будинок» в системах опалення закладів освіти», Комунальне господарство міст. Серія: Економічні науки, № 2 (148), с. 53–57, 2019;

Є.Г. Пономаренко, М.В. Катков, Р.А. Семененко, «Комплексна оцінка еколого-економічної ефективності режимів роботи газових котлів», Комунальне господарство міст. Серія: Технічні науки та архітектура, № 4 (157), с. 73–78, 2020.


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