In the dissertation, the psychological features of the emotional stability of
teachers with different work experience were realized, theoretically substantiated
and experimentally studied. The research was conducted during 2018-2021 and
included theoretical, ascertaining, formative and generalizing stages.
At the theoretical stage, it was established that the emotional stability of the
individual is an integrative property that includes in its structure emotional,
volitional, and intellectual motivational components of mental activity, as well as
the ability to suppress emotional reactions in order to continue work activity, which
in such a state tends to decrease. Some authors consider emotional stability as
"stability of emotions" and not functional resistance of a person to emotogenic
Based on the analysis of the scientific literature, four main approaches to the
study of emotional stability are distinguished: emotional stability, as the ability to
overcome a state of emotional excitement; emotional stability, as derived from the
type of strength of the nervous system, the processes of excitation and inhibition;
emotional stability, as a stable emotional state and emotional reaction; emotional
stability as an integrated personality property.
In particular, we adhere to the views of O.A. Syrotinoy, who defines
emotional stability as the ability of an individual to successfully solve complex and
responsible tasks in a tense emotional situation. He emphasizes the relationship
between emotional stability and the strength and mobility of the nervous system.
Also, it was established that scientists have identified emotogenic factors that
lead to emotional tension.In the activity of a teacher, these include: violation of
interpersonal relationships, busy working day, fatigue, encountering difficult
situations, cases of increased level of responsibility, expectation of failure, poor
health, etc.
At the ascertainment stage, in accordance with the purpose and tasks of the
research, a diagnostic complex of the study of the problem of emotional stability of
teachers was compiled, depending on their work experience. To process the results,
three groups of teachers were selected: Group I - with work experience of up to five
years, Group II - from five to ten years, Group III - more than 10 years of work
experience in an educational institution.
As a result of the diagnosis of the respondents according to the methods and
their scales, it was established that the first group of teachers, with work experience
of up to five years, is more empathetic and knowledgeable in their own and other
people's emotional spheres, which speaks of the level of training of young teachers
and the modern possibilities of obtaining information. Also, the 1st group of teachers
are more satisfied with the working conditions, because they are focused on gaining
work experience, are more interested in implementing their own ideas and do not
have high expectations that would correspond to their professional activities. At the
same time, this group does not have the appropriate experience, knowledge and skills
that would affect the effectiveness of building interaction in the professional team
and other participants of the educational process, solving difficult situations and
quickly incorporating them into the work process.
In particular, the II group of teachers, with work experience of five to ten
years, is more knowledgeable, and the teachers of this group have learned to properly
use their own experience in their professional activities. Respondents are faster at
differentiating their own emotional states and managing them. Professional work
experience gives more confidence and the opportunity to apply already acquired
knowledge in combination with new ones, which is required by a high-quality
educational process, without excessive emotional expenditure. They build
communication better and solve problems with children faster. They have higher
self-control and adequately assess their capabilities, wishes and expectations from
the educational process. However, emotional burnout, although not yet formed in
this group, is already at the stage of formation, which indicates insufficiently
developed ways and methods of overcoming difficult situations.Accordingly, the 3rd
group of teachers, with more than ten years of work experience, showed the worst
indicators according to the results of diagnostics. That is, the combination of
emotional burnout with personal qualities, which is the result of age characteristics
and the weakening of opportunities for realization in the professional sphere. Taking
into account the frequent changes in the educational process, which require not only
the modification of the educational component, but also the emotional component,
the teachers of this group are the least tuned to new requirements.