Hrynkevych R. Formation of a management model for an innovation-active organisation

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 073 - Менеджмент


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 11.051.056

Vasyl' Stus Donetsk National University


Theoretical part clarifies basic terminology of innovation-active organization management and innovation processes, substantiates content and key elements of the configurative approach to manage an innovation-active organization, and systematizes concepts of managing an innovation-active organization. Evolution of management has been traced and key directions to form a new management model with configurative approach application to manage an innovation-active organization have been identified. The content of the concepts of "management", "innovation activity", "innovation-active organization" is clarified. Vectors of management paradigm transformation are determined to substantiate behavior and viability of such a complex system as an innovation-active organization. Limitations of project approach application as the most suitable for the goals of managing an innovatively active organization and the risks of its insufficient sensitivity to integration with innovation were clarified. An intersubjective approach was identified to consider the behavioral aspects of innovative and active organization management. Basic principles of project-intersubjective approach application to activate innovative processes and increase ability of organization to adapt to a dynamically changing environment are substantiated. Analytical part analyzes trends and processes in the field of activity of innovation-active enterprises in Ukraine, systematizes leading practices to manage innovation-active organizations, and assesses level of innovation-active enterprises excellence and their transformation during the war. Author traces the directions of implementation of the identified components of the modern management paradigm at Ukrainian enterprises, which revealed the relevance of a number of issues related to assessing Ukraine's ability to implement the identified technical, technological and socio-humanitarian innovations, the degree of formation of the innovation environment at the macro level and the level of readiness of business entities to function and develop according to the rules of modern business. Innovative potential of Ukraine is assessed and level of awareness to form an environment of a new managerial normality as a key driver of innovation activities intensification at Ukrainian enterprises is determined. The degree to which Ukrainian economy is characterized by factors that stimulate innovation processes in industry is strongminded. General trends of innovation activity at Ukrainian industrial enterprises in the period before and after full-scale war beginning and the consequences of pandemic are characterized. The key properties and shortcomings of innovative activity at Ukrainian machine-building enterprises and its successful cases are identified. Leading practices of managing innovation-active organizations are analyzed and the need to develop a perfect inclusive operating strategy, which involves increasing the cognitive heterogeneity of co-creators, creating a synergistic organizational culture, implementing non-linear innovative thinking, and supporting meta-reflective processes, appropriate leadership style and support from top management, is determined. A general idea of relevant management practices is formed, able to increase the level of innovation activity of organizations are verified. Transformative aspects of management paradigm in the practice of Ukrainian enterprises as a response to crisis phenomena are substantiated, examples of successful application of innovation activity concept of as a driver to overcome crisis and transit to a new management level are identified. Level of innovation component perfection on the example of charitable foundations functioning was assessed. Directions of systemic transformations were identified, and the innovative causality of modern management as a condition for the latest managerial thinking was established. In the resultant part of the study, a descriptive model of an innovation-active organization management is formed, conceptual and applied principles of idea management in an innovation-active organization are substantiated, and scientific and practical recommendations for building an integrated model of motivation of innovation-active behavior of personnel are formed. A modern model for managing an organization that intensively carries out innovation activities and considers changes in the initial factors has been developed. Author proposes managerial tools for idea management and formation of an innovative culture in an innovation-active organization, as well as a methodology for evaluating effectiveness of idea management process. An integral model of innovation-active behavior of personnel motivation is proposed, content of the “innovation-active behavior motivation” term is clarified. Keywords: innovation-active organization, management of an innovation-active organization, innovation activity, management, innovation management.

Research papers

1. Roman Grynkevych. Basic vectors to transform the management of innovation-active organization. European Journal of Economics and Management. 2021. V. 7. Iss. 4. p. 52-58.

2. Гринкевич Р. І. Розвиток системи управління інноваційно-активною організацією в умовах викликів воєнного періоду. Actual problems of economics, 2023. №3 (261). С. 33–42.

3. Гринкевич Р. І., Шаульська Л. В. Управління конфліктами компетентнісної та соціально-психологічної природи в інноваційно-активній організації. Вісник економічної науки України. 2022. № 2 (43). С. 132-139.

4. Hrynkevych R. I., Shaulska L. V. The synthesis of management practices at a perfect innovation-active organization. Бізнесінформ. 2022. №1. С. 414-423.

5. Гринкевич Р. І. Конфігуратор управління інноваційно-активною організацією в умовах невизначеності. Економіка і організація управління. 2020. №4 (40). С. 66-74.

6. Hrynkevych R., Shaulska L. Ensuring fair remuneration of staff at the level of institutional regulation and HR-management. Bulletin of Sumy National Agrarian University. 2019. Vol. 4 (82). pp. 123-128.

7. Гринкевич Р. І., Гринкевич С. С. Взаємозв’язок організаційних змін і організаційної культури підприємства. Маркетинг і логістика в системі менеджменту: тези доповідей XIV Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції. Львів. 2022. C. 64–66. l

8. Гринкевич Р. І. Аналіз діяльності інноваційно-активних організацій. Сучасні тенденції розвитку фінансових та інноваційно-інвестиційних процесів в Україні : міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. 2022. URL:

9. Гринкевич Р. І. Умови збірки інноваційно-активного полісуб’єкту: середовищний підхід. Формування потенціалу економічного розвитку промислових підприємств: матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. Одеса. 2021. С. 33-35.

10. Гринкевич Р. І. Формування інноваційно-активного середовища в будівництві: проблеми та перспективи. Актуальні проблеми та перспективи розвитку соціально-трудових відносин в умовах цифрової економіки: матеріали міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 9-10 вер. 2021 р. Полтава, 2021 р.

11. Гринкевич Р. І. Модель управління інноваційно-активною організацією в умовах VUCA. Стратегія організації VS Реалії VUCA-світу: міжнар. наук.-практ. інтернет-конф. Київ : КНЕУ імені Вадима Гетьмана. 2021. С. 193-196.

12. Гринкевич Р. І., Гринкевич С. С. Стан та перспективний сценарій розвитку digital-маркетингу в умовах кризи. Маркетинг і логістика в системі менеджменту : тези доповідей XІІI Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, Львів. 2020. C. 36–37.


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