Malitskyi V. Management of strategic pricing in the provision of services for the use of freight cars by a railway carrier company

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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  • 073 - Менеджмент


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ДФ 26.059.020 (ID 3661)

National Transport University


Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the specialty: 073 «Management». — National Transport University. Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. Kyiv 2023. Provision for the use of a freight car in the process of transporting goods by railway transport is a service that is an integral part of the general service for the transportation of such goods. Since 2018, this service has been provided on a competitive basis. In my dissertation work, using world experience, known approaches and methods of pricing, I proposed to improve the existing procedure for forming the price of the use of freight cars, which is currently used in JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia». The results of the dissertation work: 1. The main factors, signs and consequences of a strategic approach to pricing when providing services for the use of freight cars are determined. 2. It was established that in the market conditions, in order to improve the efficiency of interaction with customers who order freight cars for use in the process of transporting goods, JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» needs to move away from the cost approach to pricing. 3. The list of pricing principles that must be used in the market provision of the service of using freight cars has been expanded. 4. It is proposed to use the modified pricing principles of F. Ramsey when forming prices for services for the use of freight cars. 5. The methodology for improving the current pricing procedure for the service for the use of freight cars was formed, which is based on the pricing principles of F. Ramsey and takes into account the individual elasticity of customer demand. 6. A procedure for customer segmentation depending on the number of service orders is proposed. Such a procedure will be used in the future to individually determine the price of the service based on the elasticity of customer demand. 7. The research design was developed, the measurement method was chosen, the research algorithm was formed, and the individual price elasticity of demand was measured in relation to customers who order grain transport cars for use. 8. An economic experiment was conducted, which consisted in measuring the individual reaction of customers to the price, updating on this basis the price offers for the market as a whole and evaluating the change in income after the update. Its results showed that the practical implementation of my proposed approach to pricing will allow the company to increase the amount of income from this type of service. 9. For the practical implementation of the results obtained by the research, the Procedure for determining and revising the rates of fees for the use of own wagons of the Carrier JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» in the process of providing cargo transportation services must be supplemented with a new coefficient of individual elasticity of demand, as well as introduce an additional distribution of customers by individual groups. Based on the Conditions of sale of services for the use of wagons of JSC «Ukrzaliznytsia» with the use of the ETS «Prozorro Sale», it is proposed to form lots from one freight wagon. Scientific novelty of the obtained results: 1. For the first time, a theoretical approach, methodological toolkit and recommendations for the implementation of strategic pricing management for the service of using freight cars are offered, which is based on measuring the individual elasticities of customer demand and implements pricing according to F. Ramsey at a state-owned enterprise operating in conditions of transition to market competition. 2. Refined definitions of the concepts of «pricing management» and «strategic pricing in the service industry» are proposed. In contrast to the existing definitions, the impact of the current and prospective market situation and customer reaction to the pricing process is taken into account in my proposed definitions. 3. The procedure for setting the price for services for the use of freight cars has been improved. In contrast to the existing procedure, the coefficient of individual elasticity of demand is introduced into the formula for determining the final price. 4. A methodology has been developed that allows measuring the individual price elasticity of demand of customers who order railway freight cars for use. The new approach, unlike the existing one, allows measuring the individual elasticity of the client's demand and offering him the individual market price of the service. The practical significance of the obtained results. The results of the dissertation research were implemented at the joint-stock company «Ukrzaliznytsia» (Kyiv). Key words: railway transport, toll, income, service, freight car, price, pricing, competitiveness, enterprise, management, strategy, economic strategy, strategic management.

Research papers

1. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Оновлення комплексу принципів ціноутворення як наслідок дерегуляції цін користування вантажними залізничними вагонами. Дніпровський національний університет залізничного транспорту імені академіка В. Лазаряна. Review of transport economics and management. 2020, Випуск 4 (20), Дніпро, стор. 115. . URL:

2. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Світовий досвід ціноутворення на послугу з використання залізничних вантажних вагонів — початок розробки новітньої моделі для АТ «Укрзалізниця». Український Державний університет залізничного транспорту. Вісник економіки транспорту і промисловості (Збірник науково-практичних статей) №72-73, 2021 стор. 106. DOI: URL:

3. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Удосконалення ціноутворення при встановленні ціни на послуги з використання вантажних вагонів АТ «Укрзалізниця». Науково-практичний журнал Залізничний транспорт України № 2 (143), 2022 р, стор. 52. DOI:10.34029/2311-4061-2022-143-2-52-58.

4. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Оновлення процедури встановлення ціни на послугу з використання вантажних вагонів АТ «Укрзалізниця» на основі підходу Ф. Ремсі. Вісник Національного транспортного університету. Серія «Економічні науки». Науковий журнал. Випуск 2 (52), 2022 стор. 22. DOI: 10.33744/2308-6645-2022-2-52-022-032/ URL:

5. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Проблеми та тенденції ринку використання вантажних вагонів. Науково-практичний журнал Залізничний транспорт України № 4 (145), 2022 р, стор. 7. DOI: 10.34029/2311-4061-2022-145-4-07-15.

6. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Аналіз дії ринкових чинників, які викликають новітні тенденції ринку використання вантажних вагонів. Науковий журнал «Автомобільні дороги і дорожнє будівництво» Випуск 112 (2022). стор. 401. DOI: 10.33744/0365-8171-2022-112-401-414. URL:

7. Бакалінський О.В., Маліцький В.В. Вимірювання чутливості клієнтів до ціни на послугу з використання вантажних вагонів. Вісник Національного транспортного університету. Серія «Економічні науки». Науковий журнал. Випуск 2 (56), 2023 стор. 27 DOI: 10.33744/2308-6645-2023-2-56-027-039. URL:

8. Malitskiy Vitalii V., & Reznik Nadiia P. (2023). STUDY OF THE ELASTICITY OF CUSTOMER DEMAND FOR THE PRICE OF THE USE OF FREIGHT WAGONS. International Journal of Innovative Technologies in Economy, (3(43).


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