Tkachenko N. Literary and artistic onomasticon of Zaporizhzhya region of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 035 - Філологія


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 17.051.067

Zaporizhzhia National University


Tkachenko N. V. Literary and artistic onomasticon of the Zaporizhzhya region of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century. – Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights. Dissertation for obtaining the scientific degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 035 - "Philology". – Zaporizhia National University, Zaporizhia, 2023. In the work, for the first time, an analysis of the onomasticon of poetic works by writers of the Zaporizhia region of the second half of the 20th - beginning of the 21st century (M. Bilokopytova, M. Bratsilo, V. Vikhlyaeva, P. Volvacha, L. Henba, I. Kalinichenko, O. Lischuk, H. Lupinos , H. Lutogo, O. Medka, O. Olshanska, T. Osin, P. Rebra, V. Terletsky, V. Chabanenko, P. Yuryk); the role of onims in the reflection of the author's worldview and the reader's perception of the works is clarified; anonymous classes are characterized, which act as associative and cultural codes of this region; the methodology of the study of literary and artistic ononyms was specified and a separate classification of the literary and artistic onomasticon of the artistic works of writers of the Zaporizhzhya region was proposed. As a result of the research, about 700 literary and artistic names were systematized. There are still not many works on the literary and artistic onomastics of the Zaporizhzhia region, but it can be said that the weighty and unique poetic work of the writers attracts the attention of modern researchers, forming a regional center of onomastics. The debatable issues of the terminology of literary and artistic onomastics are clarified, in particular the views of L. Beley, A. Vegesh, K. Zaitseva, O. Karpenko, V. Kotovych, E. Kravchenko, G. Lukash, A. Popovych, N. Popovych, L. Seliverstova, O. Skolozdra, M. Torchynskyi, Ya. Shebeshtian. Considering the ambiguity in the interpretation of onomastic terms, the main concepts used in the dissertation work are highlighted: "literary-artistic onomastics", "literary-artistic onom", "onym space". In our opinion, these terms are characterized by systematicity, ambiguity, motivation and accuracy, they most accurately reflect the phenomena we are investigating. To this day, scientists cannot avoid contradictions regarding the typology of literary and artistic onyms, it was this discussion that contributed to the emergence of various classifications of proper names in a work of art. The material elaborated and detailed by modern onomists made it possible to develop a relevant and comprehensive typology of onyms used in the works of Zaporizhia writers. That is why all proper names are divided into three large groups: anthroponyms, toponyms and peripheral onims. In the dissertation, the analysis of the functional and stylistic aspect of onymic classes is carried out according to the classification of literary and artistic anthroponyms by L. Beley. It was established that Zaporizhzhya writers use proper names of various thematic groups in the following ratio: anthroponyms - 60%, toponyms - 26%, peripheral onyms - 14%. The use of different onymic classes, which are an important component in the formation of an individual author's style, contributed to the creation of a coherent picture of the multifaceted use of proper names. For most poets, anthroponymic classes are the most used (P. Rebro, M. Bilokopytov, H. Lyutiy, V. Chabanenko, M. Bratsilo, L. Genba, V. Terletskyi, V. Vikhlyaev, T. Osin, O. Olshanska), for some of them become the main toponyms (P. Volvach, O. Medko, P. Yuryk, I. Kalynychenko) or peripheral onims (H. Lupynos, O. Lischuk). It was determined that the writers of the Zaporozhye region actively use their own names, which are an integral component of the structure and an important part of artistic works. Poets are free to choose names for their characters, but they are guided by the norms of real anthroponymy. Among all anthroponymic classes, first names, surnames, nicknames and patronymic names prevail - 87% (Volodka, Rudy, Nepiyvoda, Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Gonta, Burkalo, Prytykalo, Ivan Petrovych), theonyms make up 6% (Svitovyd, Bilobog, Chornobog, Yarylo ), mytho-anthroponyms - 4% (Aladdin, Don Quixote, Thumbelina, Kotygoroshko, Medea, Prometheus, Snow White, Jason), biblical anthroponyms - 3% (Abel, Adam, Eve, Cain, Judas). According to the structure, anthroponyms are single-membered ("single name", "surname", "surname", "patronymic") and two-membered ("first name + surname", "first name + patronymic"). It is proved that toponyms belong to one of the most productive onymic categories in the studied poetic texts. The names of the Ukrainian topos significantly exceed the names of the world topos and are represented by oikonyms (31%) - Berdyansk, Gulyaipole, Zaporizhzhya, Kyiv, Melitopol, Tokmak, Basan, Bilotserkivka, Hrusheve, Krasive, Petrovo-Svystunovo, Sokolivka; hydronyms (28%)...

Research papers

Ткаченко Н. В. Онімний простір поезій М. Брацило (на матеріалі збірки «Я зроду тут живу…»). Науковий вісник Міжнародного гуманітарного університету. Філологія. Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2020. № 46. Т. 2. С. 160–165.

Ткаченко Н. В. Функційне навантаження антропонімів збірки М. Білокопитова «А Вічний Час непоспіхом тече…». Південний архів. Філологічні науки. Херсон : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2021. Випуск 87. С. 35–40.

Ткаченко Н. В. Нові тенденції ономавжитку в творах сучасних запорізьких поетів. Закарпатські філологічні студії. Ужгород : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022. Вип. 24. Т. 1. С. 155–159.

Ткаченко Н. В. Ономастичні реалії в поетичному доробку Павла Вольвача. Актуальні питання гуманітарних наук : міжвузівський зб. наук. праць молодих вчених Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Дрогобич : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022. Вип. 55. Т. 3. С. 153–158.

Ткаченко Н. В. Літературно-художні оніми в сучасній поезії про війну (на матеріалі поетичних збірок запорізьких авторів). Мова. Література. Фольклор. Одеса : Видавничий дім «Гельветика», 2022. № 2. С. 57–63.


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