Osipova O. Peculiarities of judicial protection of the rights of subjects of application for receiving (providing) administrative services

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board


Sumy State University


In the dissertation, a comprehensive study of the problems of the application of methods and means of judicial protection of the rights of subjects applying for the provision of administrative services at all stages of court proceedings in administrative proceedings was carried out, and typical algorithms of procedural actions were developed for the participants in the case and the court. From a theoretical point of view, the main attention is paid to revealing the content of the concepts of administrative service and judicial protection, taking into account the views existing in the literature on their legal nature and the provisions of the current legislation. In the context of the research, the author's understanding of the essence of administrative services and their classification according to the criterion of the final legal result of their provision is argued, as well as the conclusion that services in the field of social security, despite certain peculiarities of their legal nature, are a constituent part (type) of administrative services. Within the scope of the research topic, the author's vision of the legal categories "judicial protection, method and system of judicial protection" is revealed, in particular, judicial protection is considered as a procedural activity of the court and the participants in the case, aimed at establishing the fact of violation of the subjective rights of a person and the selection and application by the court of legal measures against restoration of violated rights and compensation for damage caused. Along with this, the legal nature of public relations for the provision of administrative services was revealed, their structural elements were analyzed and the need for a more complete legislative regulation of the duties of the subjects of the provision of administrative services and strengthening of their responsibility in this sphere of public-legal relations was proved. In this regard, proposals were made to supplement the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Services" dated September 6, 2012 No. 5203-VI with a separate section on the rights and obligations of participants in relations for the provision of administrative services and norms regulating the mechanism of disciplinary responsibility of officials subject of the provision of administrative services for violations committed by him, established by a court decision that has entered into force. In addition, a conclusion was drawn on the need to introduce separate criminal liability of officials of pension bodies for unlawful refusal to appoint, recalculate and pay a pension. The provision on the expediency of supplementing the list of principles of administrative proceedings with the principles of justice and access to justice, as well as full compensation for not only material, but also moral damage caused by illegal decisions, actions or inaction of subjects of authority, was substantiated, and proposals were made to supplement the Law of Ukraine "On Administrative Services" dated September 6, 2012 No. 5203-VI with a separate section regulating the rights and obligations of participants and regarding the introduction of the mechanism of disciplinary responsibility of officials of the entity providing administrative services for violations committed by them, established by a legal court decision. It was concluded that it is necessary to introduce separate criminal liability of officials of pension bodies for unlawful refusal to appoint, recalculate and pay a pension. In addition, the expediency of introducing a procedural mechanism has been proven, according to which the decision of the administrative court to open proceedings in the case of a dispute in the field of providing administrative services automatically suspends the effect of the challenged individual legal act until the dispute is resolved on the merits. Emphasis is placed on the study of the limits, purpose and goals of the administrative court's procedural discretion, the criteria for checking the legality of the use of discretionary powers by the entity providing administrative services and the choice of an effective method of judicial protection are revealed. In this aspect, the expediency of prohibiting the narrowing of the scope or cancellation of rights and freedoms for persons to whom they were granted before the entry into force of new laws limiting or canceling already existing rights and freedoms, when resolving disputes in the field of administrative services by the court, is supported, the legal position regarding full compensation for the damage caused to individuals and legal entities for the entire period of validity of the legal act recognized as unconstitutional. A number of other proposals for improving the current legislation, which provides for the application of legal norms in the field of judicial protection of the rights of subjects applying for the provision of administrative services, have also been formulated.

Research papers

Осіпова О. О. Система та динаміка функцій адміністративного судочинства під час розгляду спорів з надання адміністративних послуг. Правові горизонти. 2019. № 14. С. 115–119.

Осіпова О. О. Особливості реалізації принципів адміністративного судочинства під час розгляду спорів із надання адміністративних послуг. Науковий вісник Дніпропетровського державного університету внутрішніх справ. 2020. № 1. С. 275–281.

Осіпова Олена. Підстави, межі та критерії застосування розсуду (дискреції) і вибір оптимального способу судового захисту. Knowledge, Education, Law, Management. 2020. № 5 (33). Vol. 3. P. 181–186.

Осіпова О. О. Процесуальні засоби судового захисту порушених прав у справах про надання адміністративних послуг. Вісник Запорізького національного університету. Юридичні науки. 2021. № 1. С. 51–56.

Осіпова О. Правовідносини з надання адміністративних послуг: особливості змісту, види та наслідки порушень. Юридичний вісник. 2021. № 2. С. 125–132.

Осіпова О. О. Адміністративні послуги у сфері соціального захисту в контексті предмету адміністративних спорів. Науковий вісник Ужгородського національного університету. Серія Право. Випуск 65. 2021. С. 248–252.

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