Bosko N. The procedure of implementing interdisciplinary connections in the students’ professional training in vocational colleges with the use of ICT

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)

Specialized Academic Board

ID 6127

Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University


The study provides a theoretical analysis and proposes a new approach to the scientific task, which consists of substantiating pedagogical terms, developing and experimentally testing the appropriate procedure aimed at organising the process of effective implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the professional training of students in vocational colleges with the use of ICT. In the Introduction the relevance of the dissertation topic, and its relation with scientific programmes, plans, and topics have been substantiated; the research's object, subject, purpose and objectives have been defined; the methods of research, scientific novelty and practical significance, and the author's personal contribution have been described, as well as information on testing, publications, structure and scope of the work have been presented. The first chapter, “Theoretical Aspects of the Implementation of Interdisciplinary Connections in the Professional Training of Students in Vocational Colleges”, investigates the theoretical aspects of the introduction of interdisciplinary connections in the educational process of vocational colleges, defines the essence of the interdisciplinary connection, interdisciplinary and digital competence and indicators of they formation, reveals the peculiarities of applying a technological approach in the implementation of interdisciplinarity learning. The necessity of involving ICT in the implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the professional training of students in vocational colleges has been established. The second chapter “Methodological Support for the Implementation of Interdisciplinary Relations in the Professional Training of Students of Vocational Colleges with the Use of ICTs” analyses the issues of methodological support, and teaching tools providing effectiveness in that process. To organise an effective process of implementing interdisciplinary connections during the students' professional training with the use of ICTs, a generalised procedure has been developed that includes preparatory, design, activity and result stages. The purpose of the injection of a procedure for implementing interdisciplinary connections in students' professional training with the use of ICT is to update approaches to learning and teaching on an interdisciplinary basis for the effective development of interdisciplinary, digital, STEM and professional competencies of future specialists. The third chapter, “Organisation and Methodology of Experimental Work”, highlights the results of a pedagogical experiment aimed at testing the effectiveness of the procedure for implementing interdisciplinary connections during the students' professional training with the use of ICT and pedagogical terms that increase its effectiveness. A research and experimental programme has been developed to ensure the gradual implementation of the procedure for implementing interdisciplinary connections during the students' professional training in vocational colleges using ICTs and to prove its effectiveness.

Research papers

Авер’янова Н. (Боско Н.) Дослідження динаміки готовності викладачів до організації дистанційного та змішаного навчання. Bulletin of Alfred Nobel university. Series «Pedagogy and psychology». 2021. Т. 2, № 22. С. 164–177.

Боско Н., Бєла Л. Основні підходи до формування та розвитку цифрової (ІКТ) грамотності викладачів закладів фахової передвищої освіти. Актуальнi питання гуманiтарних наук. 2022. Т. 1, № 58. С. 236–244.

Боско Н. Педагогічні умови реалізації міждисциплінарних зв’язків у професійній підготовці студентів фахових коледжів із застосуванням ІКТ. Адаптивне управління: теорія і практика. 2023. № 17(33). С. 1–18.

Боско Н., Бєла Л. Формування цифрової компетентності здобувачів закладів фахової передвищої освіти. Фізико-математична освіта. 2024. Т. 39, № 2. С. 7–13.

Bosko N. Implementation of interdisciplinary connections in the process of professional training of students. Baltic Journal of Legal and Social Sciences. 2024. № 1. С. 97-104.

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