Rakhmanina A. Future Educators Training in Higher Education Institutions of Ukraine Using STEM Technologies

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 015 - Професійна освіта (за спеціалізаціями)


Specialized Academic Board

РСВР 113

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine


In the dissertation, a holistic comprehensive analysis of the problem of training future teachers in higher education institutions of Ukraine using STEM technologies and the formation of STEM competence in the system of training future teachers was carried out. Several theoretical and practical conclusions and proposals regarding forming STEM competence among future teachers have been formulated. It was found that STEM competence in the educational environment arose from the need to prepare students for life and work in the conditions of the modern technological world. It is described that the process of forming STEM competence in future teachers combines scientific accuracy, technological competence, engineering abilities, and mathematical literacy to solve complex problems. It was determined that the process of forming STEM competence poses the task of developing future teachers' critical thinking, creativity, cooperation, and skills in working with modern technologies. The definition concept of «STEM competence of the future teacher» is formulated. It was determined that STEM competence is one of the components of the professional competence of future teachers and forms research, multimedia, integrative, cognitive, and creative abilities and skills. Generalization and systematization of the theoretical and practical material of the study allowed to distinguish the following components in its structure: motivational-value, cognitive, practical-active, and reflective. The origin of the term «STEM competence», the presentation of foreign experience, the formulation of the definition of the training of future teachers using STEM technologies, and the definition of its role in the professional competence of future teachers are outlined. It was determined that the process of forming the professional STEM competence of future teachers and practical training includes the implementation of course projects and pedagogical internships that are highlighted in the educational cycle. It is substantiated and characterized that in the process of training future teachers using STEM technologies, it is advisable to apply the following approaches: systemic, methodological, competence, integrated. A model of the system of effective application of STEM technologies in the training of future teachers has been built. The effective implementation of the method of applying STEM technologies in the process of training future teachers is described , which is carried out through the development of educational materials and methodical recommendations using STEM technologies in the training of future teachers, which may include training programs, methodological manuals, exercises and tasks aimed at development STEM competencies. The introduction of STEM technologies into the pedagogical process is described, where future teachers participate in training sessions where they learn the basic principles and methods of applying STEM approaches in education and training. An analysis of the obtained results and determination of the effectiveness of the use of STEM technologies in the training of future teachers was carried out in order to improve the quality of education and training of specialists. Based on the determined components of STEM competence, four criteria for its formation in future teachers were identified: motivational, cognitive, activity, and creative. For each of these criteria, indicators were established that were used to diagnose the formation of STEM – competence in future teachers. Based on the results of ascertaining research and the analysis of scientific literature, the characteristics of the levels of formation of STEM competence of future teachers were specified. At the ascertaining stage of the experiment, the existing level of STEM formation – competence of future teachers in the process of professional training was established. A conclusion is formulated about the insufficient level of orientation of the process of professional training of future teachers on the formation of their STEM competence as one of the key components of professional pedagogical activity. It was proved that the growth of the level of formation of STEM competence of the future teachers of the experimental group has a systematic, integrated and justified character, determined by the influence of the implemented method of applying STEM technologies in the process of training future teachers in the process of professional pedagogical training. According to the results of the conducted experimental research, the dynamics of changes in the experimental group is more pronounced and allows to significantly reduce the number of students with a low level of STEM competence formation and increase the number of future teachers with a high level of STEM competence formation and to confirm the effectiveness of the developed methodology.

Research papers

Rakhmanina A., Pinchuk I., Vyshnyk O., Tryfonova O., Koycheva T., Sydorko V., Ilienko O. The usage of robotics as an element of STEM education in the educational process. International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security. 2022. Vol. 22 (5). P. 645–651.

Ляховець О. О., Рахманіна А. С. Ґенеза та концептуальні засади загальнолюдських моральних цінностей особистості. Вісник Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького. Серія: Педагогічні науки. 2017. № 2. С. 93–99.

Рахманіна А. С. Особливості LEGO-технологій як засобу розвитку учнів початкової школи. Наукові записки. Серія: Педагогічні науки. 2022. Вип. 200. С. 207–212.

Рахманіна А. С. Реалізація STEAM-освіти в початковій школі шляхом проєктної діяльності. Вісник Глухівського національного педагогічного університету імені Олександра Довженка. 2022. Вип. 3 (50). Ч. 1. С. 186–193.

Рахманіна А. С. Розвиток особистості майбутнього педагога через формування STEM-компетентностей. Гуманітарні студії: педагогіка, психологія, філософія. 2024. Т. 15. № 1. C. 43–50.


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