Xie Z. Organizational and methodological principles of motivation formation for physical activity in physical education of higher education students of the PRC

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 017 - Фізична культура і спорт


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 24.017.16; ID 5802

National University of Ukraine on Physical Education and Sport


The dissertation is devoted to theoretical generalization and practical solution of the scientific task related to the formation of students' motivation to engage in physical activity in the process of physical education in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China. The purpose of the study is to scientifically substantiate the organizational and methodological foundations (model and conditions of implementation) of forming students' motivation to engage in physical activity in the process of physical education in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China. Object of study: motor activity of students in physical education. Research methods: - theoretical analysis and generalization of scientific and methodological literature; - anthropometric and physiological methods of research; -pedagogical (pedagogical observation, pedagogical testing, pedagogical experiment). Pedagogical testing was used to evaluate the physical fitness (PF) indicators of the respondents. Test exercises according to the Chinese national standard of physical fitness were used; - sociological research methods (questionnaires) were aimed at studying the motivation of Chinese students to engage in physical activity, self-esteem and the level of psycho-emotional state in their daily activities; - psychodiagnostic methods (A. Rean's psychodiagnostic methodology "Motivation to succeed and fear of failure") were used to study the motivational orientation of Chinese students; - methods of mathematical statistics: methods for calculating average values, including the calculation of the arithmetic mean (x̄) and standard deviation (S). When processing the results of the study, statistical reliability at the level of P = 95 % (error probability of 5 %, which corresponds to the significance level α = 0.05 (p < 0.05)) was taken into account. The STATISTICA 10.0 program was used to automate the calculations. The scientific novelty of the dissertation is that - for the first time organizational and methodical bases of forming of motivation to engage in physical activity in physical education of students of higher educational institutions of the PRC, which include a model and conditions of its realization, are scientifically grounded. - For the first time, the criteria for the effectiveness of organizational and methodological principles of forming students' motivation to engage in physical activity in physical education in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China are scientifically substantiated; - for the first time the relationship between motivational orientation (achievement of success and fear of failure) and self-assessment of physical fitness, lifestyle and motivation to physical activity of Chinese students is determined. According to the results of the dissertation research, it was found that the use of the developed model of forming students' motivation to engage in physical activity in the process of physical education in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China is an effective tool for increasing the level of physical activity and general well-being of Chinese students. The organizational and methodological conditions for the implementation of the model of forming motivation for students' physical activity are individualization, introduction of new forms of physical activity and innovative methods and forms of organizing classes aimed at attracting and engaging students, psychological support, information and education. These conditions are integrated into four main blocks: theoretical, methodological, practical and social. The obtained results of the pedagogical experiment indicate positive dynamics in the development of motor skills, communication skills, change of leisure activities, determination of motives for attending physical education classes in higher education institutions and self-assessment of physical fitness and health of Chinese students.

Research papers

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Марченко О., Се Чжімінь. Національні стандарти і тести в структурі визначення рівня фізичної підготовленості студентської молоді Китайської Народної Республіки. Спортивна медицина, фізична терапія та ерготерапія. 2022. № 2. С. 73–81.

Марченко О., Се Чжімінь, Бричук М. Мотивація до занять фізичною культурою і спортом як важлива умова функціонування ефективної системи фізичного виховання Китайської Народної Республіки. Теорія і методика фізичного виховання і спорту. 2022. № 4. С. 42–49.

Круцевич Т., Марченко О., Погасій Л., Се Чжімінь. Система оцінювання рівня фізичної підготовленості студентської молоді України та Китаю. Спортивний вісник Придніпров’я. 2022. № 3. С. 73–86.

Круцевич Т., Марченко О., Се Чжімінь. Конфігурація мотиваційних пріоритетів сучасних студентів КНР до занять фізичною культурою і спортом. Теорія і практика фізичної культури і спорту. 2022. № 1 (1). С. 119–127.

Круцевич Т., Марченко О., Холодова О., Се Чжімінь. Особливості фізичного виховання та системи контролю в освітніх установах Китайської Народної Республіки. Теорія і практика фізичної культури і спорту. 2022. № 1 (2). С. 49–60.

Марченко О., Се Чжімінь. Дослідження особливостей мотиваційно-ціннісного ставлення до фізичної культури і спорту студентської молоді України і КНР. Теорія і практика фізичної культури і спорту. 2023. № 1. С. 163–172.


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