Zolochevska O. Managing the development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки

Specialized Academic Board

ДФ Золочевська ID 6245

State institution of higher education "University of Education Management"


The dissertation "Management of development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers" is dedicated to the problem of management of development of scientific and methodical competence of teachers in the conditions of methodical work of primary school. The scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the research results are that, for the first time in domestic pedagogical science: – a holistic analysis of the problem of managing the development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers was carried out; – the organizational and methodical conditions for managing the development of the scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers are defined and characterized (the development of a creative scientific and methodical (media) space for expanding the field of possible scientific and research, creative actions, living in this space of meetings, events, situations, pedagogical circumstances the formation of a positive psychological and emotional climate in the pedagogical team, the creation of a situation of professional communication of elementary school teachers, the development of subject-subject activity in the pedagogical team; methodical competence of primary school teachers by means of monitoring, reflection, humanitarian expertise); – a management model for the development of scientific and methodical competence of teachers in the system of methodical work of primary school was developed, theoretically substantiated and experimentally verified, which reveals the content, technologies, and evaluation of the effectiveness of the researched process as an integral system of interaction of conceptual-target, content, organizational-procedural and analytical-resultative components on the basis of the author's diagnosis of the state of formation of management of the development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers based on the Rediker Software platform within the framework of the "Alpha" project using the AdminPlus Interactive panel; - the "Individual educational trajectory" of the development of the scientific and methodical competence of an elementary school teacher was developed (the teacher's path to the implementation of an individual program, which is a set of measures developed taking into account his needs and capabilities, which ensure effective professional growth); – the content of the main concepts of the study was clarified: "professional development of the teacher", "scientific and methodical competence of the primary school teacher", "management of the development of scientific and methodical competence of the primary school teacher"; – the essence, structural components of scientific-methodical competence (motivational-value, theoretical- methodical, technological, reflective) have been improved; criteria (motivational and acmeological, cognitive, activity, control and evaluation); indicators and levels (situational-intuitive, normative-reproductive, active-searching, creative-intellectual) of the development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers; - ideas of a systematic approach to managing the development of scientific and methodical competence of primary school teachers gained further development.

Research papers

Золочевська О.Ф.«Methodical recommendations for managing the development of scientific and methodological competence of primary school teachers» International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Volume 8, Number 4, © 2019, p. 303-313.

Золочевська О.Ф. «Проблема управління розвитком науково-методичної компетентності вчителів закладів освіти першого ступеня в педагогічній теорії та освітній практиці» Електронний наук. фаховий журнал: Імідж сучасного педагога: 2020. № 4 (193). С. 20–24.

Золочевська О.Ф.«Problems of development of scientific and methodical competence of teachers in the system of methodical work of primary school» International Journal "Information Models and Analyses" Volume 9, Number 2, © 2020, p. 144-158.

Золочевська О.Ф. «Критерії, показники та рівні науково - методичної компетентності вчителів початкової школи» Електронне наукове фахове видання «Адаптивне управління: теорія і практика. Серія «Педагогіка». Випуск № 10 (19), 2020.

Золочевська О.Ф. «Умови управління розвитком науково-методичної компетентності вчителів початкової школи» Фахове видання «Освіта та розвиток обдарованої особистості». Випуск № 1, 2021.С.45-50

Золочевська О.Ф. Методика та результати діагностування стану сформованості науково-методичної компетентності вчителів початкової школи. Вісник післядипломної освіти. Серія «Педагогічні науки». С.39-54

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