Prokopenko O. Methods of investigation of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 081 - Право


Specialized Academic Board

ID 6890

Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs


In the dissertation, based on the theoretical generalization and analysis of the empirical base, a separate forensic method of investigating the taking of a representative of the government or a law enforcement officer as a hostage was developed. An analysis of theoretical developments was carried out and scientifically based conclusions were formulated thanks to the complex use of general scientific and special methods. The concept of "forensic characteristics of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage" is defined, namely, it is emphasized that this is an important component of the forensic methodology, which is a detailed, generalized description of a criminal offense, which is the basis for solving practical tasks that arise during the pre-trial investigation. The significance of the forensic characteristics of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage, which consists of two interdependent aspects - theoretical and practical, has been clarified. The theoretical significance lies in the important role of forensic characteristics in the structure of investigation methodology, scientific research and understanding of the criminal offense itself. The practical significance, in turn, manifests itself during the pre-trial investigation, in terms of constructing investigation algorithms, putting forward investigative versions, choosing the fastest and most effective method of solving problems and sending materials to court, with the aim of bringing to justice the guilty persons, for taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage. Sources of obtaining information to fill in the content of the forensic characteristics of taking a representative of the government or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage have been investigated and determined. Yes, the latter are: documents (written, graphic, digital) and persons (employees of law enforcement agencies or authorities; experts, specialists; other participants in criminal proceedings) The content and structure of the forensic characteristics of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage are disclosed. It is emphasized that the forensic characteristics of the investigated criminal offenses are a mandatory structural element of a separate forensic method of their investigation. It was determined that mandatory elements of the forensic characteristics of the investigated crimes include: the setting of the crime, which includes the time and place of the seizure; the method of preparation, the method of direct execution and the method of concealment of capture; tools and means used by criminals to achieve their criminal intent; traces of crime; identity of the victim; the identity of the criminal; the motive and purpose of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage. It was established that the situation includes information about the time and place of the crime. The general concept of "crime scene" is used as a basis in the dissertation research, in relation to which it is suggested to distinguish the place where the hostage was taken, the place of his detention, the place of release of the hostage and the place of detention of the criminal. It is noted that under the method of taking a representative of the authorities or an employee of a law enforcement agency as a hostage, it should be considered the actions of the criminal aimed at achieving the set goal - carrying out the capture, which in turn will contribute to the realization of the set goals of the criminal. It has been found that the methods of arresting a representative of the authorities or a law enforcement officer can be classified into violent, non-violent, open and secret. A definition of the concept of "capturing" and "holding" a person is provided.

Research papers

Гусєва В. О., Прокопенко О. Ю. Теоретичні передумови формування криміналістичної характеристики захоплення представника влади або працівника правоохоронного органу як заручника. Право і безпека. 2023. Том 89. № 2. С. 121-132.

Прокопенко О. Ю. Особливості початку кримінального провадження та етапів розслідування захоплення представника влади або працівника правоохоронного органу як заручника. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка. 2023. № 1 (101). С. 299-309.

Прокопенко О. Ю. Тактичні особливості огляду місця події під час розслідування захоплення представника влади або працівника правоохоронного органу як заручника. Вісник Харківського національного університету внутрішніх справ. 2023. Том 103. №4. С. 255-262.

Прокопенко О. Ю. Особливості використання спеціальних знань при розслідуванні захоплення представника влади або працівника правоохоронного органу як заручника. Право і безпека. 2023. №91 (4). С. 139-149.


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