Ji Y. The Formation of Digital Competence of Future Art Teachers of Higher Education Institutions of China

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

ДФ 64.053.060

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


In the dissertation for the first time the integral analysis of a problem of formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in establishments of higher education of the People's Republic of China is presented. The expediency of researching this problem is enhanced by the need to overcome the contradictions between: the social importance of providing quality art education in Ukraine and its real state, in particular in the educational process of free economic education; increasing interest in the problem of forming the digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in higher education institutions in China and the lack of comprehensive research in this area; the expediency of using the advanced ideas of Chinese scientists in the direction of forming the digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in higher education institutions in China and the lack of awareness of these ideas of Ukrainian researchers; the need for creative application in Ukrainian free economic zones of China's promising experience in the formation of digital competence of future teachers of arts in higher education institutions in China and the lack of appropriate organizational and methodological support on this issue. As a result of the research conducted by the dissertation for the first time: a comprehensive study of the problem of forming the digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in higher education institutions in China; approaches to defining the essence of the concept of "digital competence" and "formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines" are revealed; the structure of formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in institutions of higher education of the People's Republic of China is determined; the Chinese experience of formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in institutions of higher education of the People's Republic of China is generalized. Forms, methods and means of formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in institutions of higher education of the People's Republic of China are determined; the prospects of creative use of the works of Chinese teachers on the problem of formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in higher education institutions of the People's Republic of China are outlined. Scientific positions on the creative use of progressive ideas of the Chinese experience in the development of a new Ukrainian school in the direction of modernization of Ukrainian art education in accordance with the trends of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines. The practical significance of the results is that improved educational and professional programs and curricula for the formation of digital competence of future teachers of arts, as well as updated the content of curricula, including comparative pedagogy, pedagogy and history of pedagogy. The main scientific results of the study were introduced into the educational process of G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University (reference № 01/ 10-277 from 17.11.2021), Berdyansk State Pedagogical University (reference №57- 22/ 1582 from 29.11. 2021), Kryvyi Rih State Pedagogical University (reference №09/1 – 13/3 dated 19.10.2021). The data and conclusions obtained during the research can be used to update the content of the OPP training of applicants for the first (bachelor's) level of higher education in specialties 014 - Secondary Education ("Music"); review of educational and working educational programs, syllabi of disciplines of psychological and pedagogical cycle; conclusion of educational and methodical complexes of professionally-oriented disciplines; preparation of distance learning courses, etc.). The data obtained in the course of research, generalized and systematized scientific provisions can be the basis for scientific research of students, masters, graduate students, doctoral students on the formation of digital competence of future teachers of art disciplines in higher education institutions in China.

Research papers

Sun Jingqiu, Tan Xiao, Ji Yiping. Preparation of future teachers of art disciplines for innovative activity in China. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020. Vol. 10(11). P. 388-395.

Цзі Іпін. Методи формування цифрової компетентності майбутніх викладачів мистецьких дисциплін в закладах вищої освіти КНР. Професійна освіта: методологія, теорія та технології. Переяслав-Хмельницький : СКД, 2021. Вип. 14. С. 169–175.

Цзі Іпін. Художня освіта в Україні (друга половина ХІХ – початок ХХ століття): історіографія дослідження. Теорія та методика навчання та виховання: зб. наук. праць. Х.: ФОП Петров В. В., 2018. Вип. 44. С. 110-122.

Цзі Іпін, Коваленко Л. М. Формування проектувальної компетентності майбутніх фахівців. Педагогічний альманах : зб. наук. праць. Херсон : КВНЗ «Херсонська академія неперервної освіти», 2017. Вип. 36. С. 160-165.

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