Xie F. Formation of pedagogical readiness of dance teachers for civic education of student youth in Chinese universities

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board


Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


The dissertation " Formation of pedagogical readiness of dance teachers for civic education of student youth in Chinese universities" scientifically substantiates theoretical foundations and experience of choreography teachers-to-be training for civic education of Chinese youth, identifies ways how to creatively use Chinese experience in the Ukrainian educational space. In particular, the essence of the civic education, its functions and principles are revealed as well as thoughts and concepts that are important for the disclosure of the topic (patriotism, patriotic education), main stages of civic education in China are highlighted, regulations on civic education in China are analyzed. Based on the study of scientific sources, generalization of the provisions of laws and regulations, analysis of reports in the field of education in China is accomplished, the place of civic education in the educational process of China is determined. It is established that civic education of young people takes place at all stages of education and occupies a leading place, as the education of loyal citizens is a strategic task of China. The features of the modern system of choreography teacher training in China are analyzed; it is established that the formation of future specialists in this field takes place both in specialized leading institutions of the country (Beijing Academy of Dance) and on the basis of departments of Chinese universities. At the same time, in all higher education institutions, civic education is a necessary and important part of the training of choreographers-to-be. The content and methods of civic education of Chinese students are generalized. It is found that civic education takes place at both the institutional and practical levels. At the institutional level, education content planning and civic education priorities are elaborated. The content of civic education includes such topics as the importance of the socialist system of the state, business theory, the theory of civil rights and approaches to the organization of education. The formation of moral consciousness and patriotism is also considered as one of the main tasks in civic education. The practical level of citizen formation is aimed at showing young people how to behave in a particular situation. There are two trends in the civic education of Chinese students: understanding that China is part of world culture and maintaining respect for other cultures. Given the fact that China is now part of a global society in which individualization is very important, it is necessary to strengthen the institution of trust and respect for the rights and responsibilities of participants and include these elements in cultural education to develop students' spiritual potential and health. The most important goals of civic education of Chinese youth are respect for humanity values, the spirit of progress and innovation, the ability to work in a team; formation of scientific worldview; promoting the development of active citizenship and practical opportunities to raise the country to another qualitatively new level; encouragement to take appropriate action, as civic education must go far beyond the classroom and be implemented in everyday life. The methods according to which civic education in Chinese higher education is carried out are revealed: methods that form humanistic consciousness; methods that form a human attitude; methods that encourage human treatment of other people; methods based on a personal-role approach to the organization of the educational process. In the course of the research it is established that the training of choreographersto-be for civic education take place both during classes (lectures, practical and seminar classes) and extracurricular activities (various types of student practice, participation in volunteer groups, military training, educational talks, participation in conferences, round tables and seminars, participation in various public events). During the classes civic education of choreography teachers-to-be themselves take place; during extracurricular activities students learn how to conduct activities on this topic. Based on the analysis of official websites and work programs of leading institutions of higher choreographic education, it can be stated that mostly civic education isintegrated into the study of such disciplines as "Military Affairs", "Political Science", "Theory of Marxism-Leninism", "Ideas of Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping", "Course of ideology and morality", "Law", "Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology (age-specific and general)", "Fundamentals of Pedagogical Skills". The teaching of these disciplines is aimed not only to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, but also to form real citizens of their country, who in their turn will educate their students in the same spirit.

Research papers

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