The dissertation for the first time presents a holistic analysis of the problem of
leisure of adults with special educational needs in the system of non-formal education
in China.
The expediency of studying this problem is reinforced by the need to overcome
the contradictions between: the presence of pedagogically valuable Chinese experience
in organizing leisure activities for adults with special educational needs in the nonformal education system and the lack of domestic comparative pedagogical studies; the objective needs of society in the organization of leisure activities for adults with special
educational needs and the inability to meet these needs in the existing education
system; the need to modernize the Ukrainian educational system in the organization of
leisure for adults with special educational needs in the system of non-formal education
in China and the obsolescence of scientific approaches to this problem.
In the dissertation for the first time the integral research of a problem of the
organization of leisure of adults with special educational needs in system of informal
education of the People's Republic of China is carried out; approaches to defining the
essence of the key concepts of the study "Inclusive adult education in China" is a
comprehensive process to ensure equal access to quality lifelong learning, which
includes any educational activity to improve the knowledge, skills and abilities of
adults and workers activities based on the use of personality-oriented teaching
methods, taking into account the individual characteristics of people with special
educational needs; "Leisure" - is an activity (creative, constructive or antisocial), which
differs from other human activities in that it is carried out in accordance with the
personal needs of the individual, in order to obtain emotional satisfaction;
"Organization of leisure" - one of the areas of organization of activities in club
institutions of non-formal education, which includes cultural and artistic events, the
creation of associations of interest, amateur groups by genre for the population of
different ages; "Adult education" is an educational process in which every individual,
regardless of their financial situation and religious worldview, has the right to their
own path of education from the stage when it is recognized by society as an adult as a
way of intellectual and professional renewal; "Adults with special educational needs"
are persons who need additional permanent or temporary support in the educational
process in order to ensure the right to formal, non-formal, informal education, promote
personal development, improve health and quality of life, increase participation in
community life; "Non-formal education" - education aimed at adapting a person to the
fleeting socio-economic environment, its integration into society, the constant renewal
of knowledge, skills and abilities regardless of age; "Organization of leisure for adults
with special educational needs in the non-formal education system of China" -
organization of activities for adults with special educational needs in their free time for
their social development, which includes education, training, education, socialization,
social hardening, social development; defined a system of leisure for adults with
special educational needs in the system of non-formal education in China - non-formal
education can be carried out within and outside schools, but provides a thorough legal
framework, organized and structured methods and tools to attract non-formal education
the number of adults with special educational needs who can combine different types
of leisure activities; generalized Chinese experience on the organization of leisure for
adults with special educational needs in the non-formal education system of China; the
prospects of creative use of theoretical developments and experience on the problem
of organization of leisure of adults with special educational needs in the system of nonformal education of the People's Republic of China in the system of non-formal
education of Ukraine are outlined.
Scientific provisions on the specifics of educational and methodological tools
(forms, methods, tools) for the organization of leisure for adults with special
educational needs in the system of non-formal education in China have been further
developed; genesis of the idea of organizing leisure for adults with special educational
needs; issues of creative use of progressive ideas of the Chinese experience in the
direction of modernization of leisure of adults with special educational needs in the
system of non-formal education in China.
The practical significance of the results is determined by the fact that the research
materials provide a new scientific and objective interpretation of the theory and
practice of leisure for adults with special educational need.