Sun J. Formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in the China by means of the Suzuki method

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 011 - Освітні, педагогічні науки


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 64053058

Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after H.S. Skovorody


The dissertation for the first time presents a holistic analysis of the problem of formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of Suzuki method. The expediency of studying this problem is enhanced by the need to overcome the contradictions between: the social importance of providing quality preschool education in Ukraine on the basis of developmental approach and its real state; increasing interest in constructive experience in the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of the Suzuki method and the lack of holistic research in this area; the expediency of using the advanced ideas of Chinese scientists on the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of the Suzuki method and the lack of awareness of these ideas of Ukrainian researchers; the need for creative application in Ukrainian preschool education of promising experience of preschool education institutions in China on the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by Suzuki method and the lack of appropriate organizational and methodological support on this issue; the need for creative application of progressive ideas of the Chinese experience in the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of the Suzuki method and their lack of research. This problem is relevant for both Ukraine and China. One of the main tasks facing the modern educator in both educational systems is that he must form the musical and creative abilities of preschool children. The scientific novelty of the research results is that: - a comprehensive study of the problem of forming musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by Suzuki method and characterized the essence of key research concepts: "musical and creative abilities of preschool children" - stable individual psychological properties aimed at successful mastery of preschoolers activities based on the discovery and development of their musical talents; "Suzukimethod" - a method aimed at acquiring at an early age the child's qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities that not only create an educational platform for learning and education of the child, but also contribute to the development of social, intellectual and academic talent; - defined: the principles of formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of Suzuki-method: emotional saturation of the educational process; ensuring the psychological comfort of preschoolers by creating a festive atmosphere in the classroom; voluntary participation of children in music and play activities; different age groups; activation of children's creative self-expression, etc .; psychological and pedagogical features of the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of the Suzuki method: developed musical imagination, aimed at active involvement in musical activities; excellent memory, which is the key to effective musical creativity; - systematized forms (independent musical activity, use of music in everyday life, musical classes, musical entertainment, musical and theatrical holidays, additional - classes for children, clubs (studios)) and methods (visual, verbal and practical) of music education and training ; application of musical activities at each stage of the child's development; creating a music and play environment that meets the interests and needs of children of all ages; modeling in musical-game form of real life situations, relationships between preschoolers and adults; systematic encouragement of children to search and creative musical activity and self-expression in it) the formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China; - the directions of implementation of the experience of formation of musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China by means of Suzuki-method in order to improve the training of these specialists in higher education institutions of Ukraine are substantiated. Scientific provisions on the content, forms and methods of forming musical and creative abilities of preschool children in China have been further developed. Unknown and little-known sources in Chinese (37), some facts and provisions related to the solution of the researched problem have been introduced into scientific circulation. The practical significance of the results is determined by the fact that improved training programs for future educators for higher education institutions of Ukraine, in particular in preschool pedagogy.

Research papers

Sun Jingqiu, Tan Xiao, Ji Yiping. Preparation of future teachers of art disciplines for innovative activity in China. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2020. Vol. 10(11). P. 388-395.

Сунь Цзінцю. Інтерпретація результатів сформованості музичнотворчих здібностей дітей дошкільного віку в КНР засобами Сузукі-методу. Наукові записки кафедри педагогіки. Харків, 2019. Вип. 44. С. 299–308..

Сунь Цзінцю. Основні чинники розвитку системи освіти в КНР у другій половині XXстоліття. Педагогічний альманах. Херсон, 2017. Вип. 35. С. 317– 321.

Сунь Цзінцю. Пізнавальна самостійність особистості: сутність, основні характеристики, структура. Професійна освіта: методологія, теорія та технології. Переяслав-Хмельницький. 2017. Вип. 5. С. 246–257.

Сунь Цзінцю. Розвиток музично-творчих здібностей учнів у КНР. Педагогіка та психологія: зб.наук.пр. Х. : ТОВ «ДІСА ПЛЮС», 2017. Вип. 58. С. 274-282.


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