Kravets A. Physical therapy for elderly people with sarcopenic obesity and hip osteoarthritis.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 227 - Терапія та реабілітація

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 120

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The object of the study is the process of physical therapy for elderly people with sarcopenic obesity and hip osteoarthritis.The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, develop and test the effectiveness of a comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly people with sarcopenic obesity and hip osteoarthritis, aimed at improving the functional capabilities of patients and facilitating their performance of activities of daily living by correcting signs of hip dysfunction, anthropometric indicators, geriatric status, coxo-vertebral syndrome.Research methods. Analysis and generalization of special and scientific and methodological literature. The following indicators were quantitatively evaluated: to characterize changes associated with hip dysfunction and obesity, patients' complaints were determined, their examination was performed, pain intensity was assessed using a visual analog scale, the amplitude of movements in the hip joint was determined using the goniometry method, and general functional impairment was assessed using the Modified Harris Hip Score and Hip Disability and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score. For characteristics associated with obesity, anthropometric examinations and bioimpedance analysis of body composition were performed. Hand grip dynamometry and testing using the Short Physical Performance Battery were performed to determine sarcopenia criteria. Physical geriatric status was characterized using the Senior Fitness Test, Fall efficacy scale, and 25–question Geriatric Locomotive Function Scale. Psychoemotional state was determined using the Geriatric Depression Scale. Quality of life was described using the SarQoL questionnaire. To characterize the coxo-vertebral syndrome, palpation was performed, specific symptoms of lumbar radiculopathy, spinal flexibility were determined, postural dynamometry was performed and the postural strength index was calculated, functional limitations were characterized by the Oswestry Disability Index, Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale.Theoretical and practical significance. consists in creating a scientifically substantiated comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly people with sarcopenic obesity and hip osteoarthritis.The scientific novelty of the results obtained consists in substantiating the scientific and theoretical foundations for creating a comprehensive physical therapy program for elderly people with sarcopenic obesity and hip osteoarthritis.

Research papers

1. Кравець А.С. Особливості корекції геріатричного статусу в пацієнтів похилого віку, хворих на саркопенічне ожиріння та остеоартроз кульшового суглоба // Health & Education. 2024. 3. 173–180. DOI:–2024.3.21 URL:–education/article/view/199/184

2. Кравець А.С. Динаміка антропометричних та фізичних маркерів саркопенічного ожиріння в осіб похилого віку з остеоартрозом кульшових суглобів у процесі фізичної терапії // Art of Medicine. 2024. 3 (31). 65–72. DOI: URL: https://art–of–

3. Кравець А.С., Лапковський Е.Й., Стовбан М.П. Аналіз змін функціонального стану кульшового суглоба в осіб похилого віку з коксартрозом та саркопенічним ожирінням під впливом програми фізичної терапії // Україна. Здоров’я нації. 2024. 3 (77). 79–86. DOI–6594/2024.3/13 URL:

4. Kravets A.S., Lapkovskyi E.Y., Stovban M.Р. Possibilities of correction of vertebrogenic disordersas a component of hip–spine syndrome in elderly personswith osteoarthritis of the hip and sarcopenic obesityby measures of physical therapy // Rehabilitation and Recreation. 2024. 18 (3). 22–31. DOI:–1795.2024.18.3.2. URL:

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