Saienko O. Physical therapy of patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the post-immobilization period after a mandibular fracture.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 227 - Терапія та реабілітація

Specialized Academic Board

PhD 119

Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University


The object of the study is the process of physical therapy of patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the post-immobilization period after a mandibular fracture. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate, develop and verify the effectiveness of a comprehensive physical therapy program for patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the post-immobilization period after a mandibular fracture, aimed at improving the functional capabilities of patients by correcting signs of maxillofacial disorders, temporomandibular joint dysfunction, normalizing muscle functions according to the results of electromyography, improving psychoemotional state and quality of life. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of special and scientific and methodological literature. To characterize the changes associated with maxillofacial dysfunction, patients' complaints were determined, their examination and palpation were performed, the amplitude of lower jaw movements was determined, the amount of cervical spine flexibility was measured by the chin-sternum distance, and manual muscle testing of the masticatory muscles was performed; temporomandibular joint dysfunction was characterized by the Hamburg Test and related limitations by the Jaw Functional Limitation Scale; the functional bioelectric state of the muscles was assessed by electromyographic indicators; the psychoemotional state was characterized by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the state of kinesiophobia was assessed by the Tampa Kinesiophobia Scale for Temporomandibular Disorders, the impact on oral health was assessed by the Oral Health Impact Profile questionnaire, and the quality of life was described by the SF-36. Methods of mathematical statistics were used to analyze the results. The theoretical and practical significance lies in the creation of a scientifically substantiated comprehensive physical therapy program for patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the post-immobilization period after a mandibular fracture, which contributed to a decrease in the severity of dysfunction of the maxillofacial region, temporomandibular joint, electromyographic changes, improvement of the psychoemotional state, reduction of kinesiophobia, improvement of the quality of life; as well as in determining the criteria for selection, sequence, dosage and parameters of the use of physical therapy agents. The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in the substantiation of the scientific and theoretical foundations for the creation of a comprehensive physical therapy program for patients with temporomandibular joint dysfunction in the post-immobilization period after a mandibular fracture.

Research papers

1. Саєнко О.В., Аравіцька М.Г. Динаміка постіммобілізаційних функціональних обмежень орофаціальної зони у пацієнтів після перелому нижньої щелепи під впливом реабілітаційних засобів // Art of Medicine. 2023. 4(28). 115-120. DOI:

2. Саєнко О.В., Аравіцька М.Г. Оцінювання ефективності програми реабілітації хворих із дисфункцією скронево-нижньощелепного суглоба у постіммобілізаційному періоді після переломів нижньої щелепи за показниками кінезіофобії та якості життя // Health & Education. 2023. Вип. 4. 220-225. DOI URL:

3. Саєнко О.В. Корекція ознак міофасціальної дисфункції в осіб з наслідками перелому нижньої щелепи засобами фізичної терапії // Art of Medicine. 2024. 3 (31). 138-145. DOI: 10.21802/artm.2024.3.31.138 URL:

4. Sayenko O.V., Aravitska M.H. Іndicators of the functional capacity of the tissues of the maxillo-facial region, the psychoemotional state and the quality of life of patients with the consequences of the mandibular fracture under the influence of physical therapy // Rehabilitation and Recreation. 2024;18(3):51-60. DOI URL:

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