But K. Media reality as a component of protest movements

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

State registration number


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  • 061 - Журналістика


Specialized Academic Board

PhD 104

Zaporizhzhia National University


Booth K.O. "Media reality as a component of protest movements." Qualifying scientific work on manuscript rights. Dissertation for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in specialty 061 "Journalism". Zaporizhzhia National University. Zaporizhzhia, 2024. The thesis traces the role of media reality as an integral part of protest movements. Not only the theoretical aspects of the study of media reality in the 20th century and the most modern achievements and trends regarding this topic of scientific interest are studied, but also the role of media reality in general in the process of historical development of society, in particular, Ukrainian after the restoration of Independence, is outlined. At the same time, the work identifies tools that can be used to construct a media reality around the events of protest movements. This study also pays attention to the problems of creating a false media reality around protest movements. In particular, the concepts of manipulation and misleading influence in the context of presenting information about protest movements are considered, as well as cases of violations of journalistic standards in the coverage of protest topics in the media are demonstrated. In addition, based on the results of theoretical and empirical research, a guide was developed, which included recommendations for the work of journalists on the topic of movements for change. The guide contained information about the rules of physical and digital security of journalists, journalistic standards (in particular, those that may be mutually exclusive and/or debatable), professional ethics and sensitivity when covering potentially triggering information, as well as about non-standard approaches to the subject of movements for changes Relevance of the research topic. Protest movements are an important part of the functioning of civil society, which, in turn, cannot take place without public publicity and the involvement of an additional audience. It is thanks to cooperation with the media that protest movements can gain scale and public resonance, attract the attention of the community to the ideas they seek to spread, and communicate more effectively with the opposition side. By covering protest movements, the mass media can either empower underrepresented groups and give them a voice, or, on the contrary, discredit or ironize certain protests. And although one of the basic standards of journalism is objectivity, in fact, it is almost impossible to achieve a completely objective view, especially on socially important events that affect the interests of one or more social groups. After all, relaying information from the place of events, framing it with the help of his own author's decision, interviewing certain people and forming conclusions based on his experience and tastes, the journalist cannot leave the material without the "side effect" of creative activity - the creation of a media reality around the event, about which he/she writes. That is why media reality as a component of the protest movement has a significant potential to influence the audience and shape public opinion. Considering the scale of the potential impact on the development of Ukrainian society, especially in the conditions of vulnerability to information warfare and enemy “throw-ins”, it is important to analyze the specifics of this phenomenon, to understand the tools with which media workers construct media reality, and the methods and prerequisites for ethical presentation of information about movements for change. The object of the dissertation research is: issues of newspapers: "Mirror of the Week", "Day", "Fakty"; information agency "UNIAN" and international publications: "Le Monde Diplomatique", "Der Spiegel" and "Kommersant" (chronological framework: November 18-30 and December 1-8, 19-31, 2013, as well as for 1-7, January 19-31 and February 1-9, 17-28, 2014); materials of the Pulitzer Prize (for the years 1995-2024), as well as materials awarded with the "Honor of the Profession" award (for the years 2014-2023). The subject of the dissertation research is the role, place and tools of media reality construction in relation to the events of protest movements (on the example of materials from the above-mentioned mass media). The purpose of this study is to find out the role and place of media reality in socio-communication processes, in particular, in movements for change, to single out the tools for constructing media reality in relation to the events of protest movements. In addition, based on the results of the research, create a practical guide for novice journalists on the main recommendations for covering protest topics in the media. Scientific attention to media reality is explained by the active development of social and communication technologies and the level of influence that the media creates on the behavior of both an individual and society in general. Active research into the reality of the media as a second….

Research papers

Бут К. Пропаганда та медіареальність як інструменти ведення інформаційної війни: локальний вимір. Держава та регіони. Серія: Соціальні комунікації. 2022. № 4 (52). С. 24-32. (категорія «Б» з соціальних комунікацій)

Бут К. Медіареальність як засіб впливу на громадську думку (на прикладітимчасово окупованих територіях Запорізької області). Держава та регіони. Серія: Соціальні комунікації. 2023. № 3 (55). С. 17–29. (категорія «Б» з соціальних комунікацій)

Бут К. Медіаподії як інструмент конструювання медіареальності (на прикладі російської пропаганди). Образ. 2023. Випуск 3 (43). С. 93-101. (категорія «Б» з соціальних комунікацій).

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