Свістільнік Р. В. Клініко-морфологічні і метаболічні порушення при гострих менінгітах у дітей та методи їх корекції

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  • 14.01.13 - Інфекційні хвороби


Спеціалізована вчена рада

Д 26.614.01

ДУ "Інститут епідеміології та інфекційних хвороб ім. Л.В. Громашевського НАМН України"


The dissertation is devoted to the search of clinical and morphological infringements, depending on duration of disease and a kind of the activator, expressiveness and duration neuronal damages, and also inflammatory process at purulent meningitises at children, optimization of pathogenetic treatment. It is shown, that neuron-specific enolase (NSE) level in blood at acute meningitis can represent itself as a marker of destruction depth a nervous fabric and encephalitis development, and also efficiency of carrying out neuroprotective therapy. Use along with standard therapy NSAIDs ibuprofen and neuroprotective drug citicoline, authentically reduces quantity of complications from СNS, promotes liguor sanitation, normalization of a body temperature, to disappearance meningeal symptoms, normalization of levels TNF-?, NSE and ОМP more quickly.


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