Novoselskaya V. Aesthetic education of pupils in valdorf"s school

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.07 - Теорія і методика виховання


Specialized Academic Board

К 26.454.01


Object of resaerch - valdjrf's school as social-pedagogical the phenomenon XX centuries. Object of resaerch - the contents and methods of aesthetia education learning valdorf's schols. The purpose of resaerch - during the analisis of scientific sources and real practical experience to open the contents and methjds of aesthetic education learning valdorf's schools and to define ideas swich can be applied in modern Ukrainian comprehensive school. Methods of research - thejretical, empirical.Scientific novelty will consist in the analysis and generalization of system of aesthetic education of pupils in valdorf"s schools, allocation of ideas which have not lost from the practical importance and can take root in morden practice of aesthetic education of pupils. Sphere of use - in teaching and educational process of comprehensive schools.


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