Lazorenko A. Pathogenesis a substantiation sorption therapy at purulent wounds at horses.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 16.00.05 - Ветеринарна хірургія


Specialized Academic Board

Д 27.821.02


Object of research - purulent wounds at horses. The purpose of research - definition of a role of system hemokoagulation and fibrinolisis in pathogens wounds process at horses and development on this basis pathogens the proved method of their treatment at purulent wounds. Methods of research: clinical, biochemical, hemostasiological, cytological, planimetrical, statistical. Scientific novelty of half-scientific results consists that in the first in domestic veterinary surgery is investigated a role of system hemokoagulation and fibrinolisis in development of a surgical infection and current wounds process at horses on the basis of that it is developed, theoretically and is experimentally proved its method correction with use of sorbets-antibacterial preparation "Pesyl" and thiotriasolin. Thus the condition coagulo-anticoagulation and fibrinolytic-inhibitor potential of plasma of blood of clinically healthy horses in ontogenesis for the first time is investigated. It is proved, that at horses at top ofdevelopment of inflammatory reaction in a wound the condition of hypercoagulation develops at simultaneous reduction in activity of natural anticoagulants and oppressions fibrinolytic activity that causes coagulopatic and the complicated current wounds process. It is established, that changes hemostasiologic the status at purulent wounds, irrespective of age of horses, have equally expressed tendention. It is established, that to transition wounds process in a phase of regeneration there is a dynamic reduction in quantity fibrinogenic, soluble fibrin-monomer complex, activity of the factor XIII, and activity anthitrombin-III grows. Alongside with it, during formation granulation fabrics grows fibrinolytical activity at simultaneous decrease in a level antiplasmin. It is proved a rational method of treatment of horses with use woundsorbents "Pesyl" and thiotriasolin, that accelerates clarification of purulent wounds and elimination products of inflammatory reaction due to that there is a correction hemostasiologic parameters. It is offered: used hemostasiological diagnostic-prognostical criteria of current wound process and a method of treatment of horses with purulent wounds in facilities of all patterns of ownership. For treatment of horses with purulent wounds after surgical processing in wounds to bring composite preparation "Pesyl" in a doze 0,2 - 0,7 g and intravenous injections of 2,5 % of a solution thiotriasolin in a doze of 1 mg / kg with an interval of 48 hours before recovery. It is introduced: in conditions of facilities TOV " the First Sumy breeding hosefarm" and КAE "Budilsky" Lebedinsky of area of the Sumy region a method of treatment of purulent wounds at horses with use pesyl and thiotriasolin. Sphere (branch) of use: veterinary medicine.


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