Оliynyk V. Zoohygienical substantiation of the living conditions of the hogs in the farms with the low density of the radio pollution.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

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  • 16.00.06 - Гігієна тварин та ветеринарна санітарія


Specialized Academic Board



Object of research – the conditions of keeping, growing and feeding the hogs-sires of great white breed, state of natural resistance, reproduction the animals qualitis with the influence of paratypical factors in the western region of Ukraine’s Polyssia. The purpose of research – the estimation of clinical physiological state of the organism of the hogs-sires which have been held a long while in the farms of zone of the radio-ecological control, their productivity in insemination, taking into consideration the microclimatic conditions of the bu-ildings, the level of feeding and on the base of the received data elaborating the recommendati-ons for improving of keeping and using the hogs-sires. Methods of researches and equipment–hygienical, clinical, morphological, biochemical, microscopical, zootechnikal, histological, statistical. Microscops: Biolam, MBI-15/2, chamber Gorjaeva, centrifuge, photoelectrorolorymetr, refraetometr, apparatus for electroforez, sannyj microtom. Theoretical and practical results, scientific novelty – at first it was carried out the investigation of the season changes of indices of the clinical-phisiological state of the organism of the hogs-sires, the dynamics of special indices of carbohydrate, phosphorus-calcium and protein metabolism in blood, the quality of semen in conditions of the lasting density influence of radioactivity. It was appreciated the productive qualities of semen and the vitality of litters. It was learned the age changes of histostructure of the hogs-sires testicle tissue. The vitamin-mineral complex „Agnomix” was tes-ted and offered for using as the preventive therapy, and as a method of prophylactic of the negative in-fluence of the ion irradiation and the lack of microelements in rations of the hogs-sires in the farms situated on the areas with the law density of the radio pollution. Subject and degree of introduction - it is reasonable to use the received results in dispensarysation and appreciation of the clinical-physiological state, the reproductive ability of the hogs-sires held a long while under influence of the using of the vitamin-mineral complex „Agnomix” on the farms of the radio-ecological control zone in Rivne region. The materials of this dissertation are used in the learning process in Lviv National Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after S.Z. Grhytskyj, Mliniv’s state technical school of veterinary medicine, Rogistshe technical school of LNAVM named after S.Z. Grhytskyj. Sphere (area) of use – veterinary medicine, hog-breeding.


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