The object of study: the process of development of financial strategy of the company; Objective: To develop complex mathematical economic models for development of financial strategy of the company; research method and apparatus, methods of theoretical generalization, system analysis, economic-mathematical modeling, methods of development, principal components, the center of "gravity" vector autoregression models, correction of errors, panel data, simulation, methods of expert assessments; theoretical and practical results, performance prediction model financial environment of enterprise, based on vector autoregression, models, correction of errors, panel data methods that takes into account the bilateral causal relationships of financial variables to determine their response to "shocks" to analyze spatial and temporal changes in the characteristics of the financial aspects of the company; model assessment of the financial environment of enterprise, based on the methods of development, principal components, the center "weight" spatially dynamic cluster and discriminant analysis, classification trees, models with discrete dependent variables, and to take into account the prevailing informative diagnostic feature space, to complex formalized assessment of factors external financial environment and the direct influence indirect, to spatial-temporal analysis of internal financial factors in determining the strategic environment of the financial position of the company; Complex models of development of financial strategy of the enterprise, which enables to form a coherent system in various areas of strategic financial activity ratios considering the negative impacts of uncontrolled environmental factors now; simulation model of financial activity, based on the method of system dynamics and describes the characteristics of financial flows by operating, investing and financing activities, allows to analyze the impact of changes in terms of the financial impact of the environment on financial activity; procedure of formation and selection of strategic alternatives financial activity, based on methods of analysis and expert assessment takes into account the probability of achieving the target strategic position that allows for the selection of the financial strategy of the company, which provides financial stability of competitive advantage in a rapidly changing economic environment; subject matter and degree of implementation: design implemented in practice PJSC "Kharkiv Electric Apparatus Plant", LLC "HenkelBautehnik (Ukraine)," branch in. Balakliya Kharkiv region, PJSC "Ukrgasdobycha" Branch GPU "Shebelinkagasvydobuvannya"; Scope: financial strategy formation.