Vishchenko O. Formation of artistic and figurative thinking of future designers-hairdressers in the process of professional training

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.04 - Теорія і методика професійної освіти


Specialized Academic Board

Д 29.053.01

State establishment "Luhansk Taras Shevchenko national University"


Object: the process of professional training of future hairdressers-designers in higher education establishments; aim: theoretical basis and experimental verification of the pedagogical conditions of formation of artistic and figurative thinking of future hairdressers-designers in the process of professional training; methods: analysis of scientific literature, systematization and classification of scientific concepts, questionnaire, testing, observation, expert evaluation and self-assessment, pedagogical experiment, methods of mathematical statistics; novelty: the pedagogical conditions of formation of artistic and figurative thinking of future hairdressers-designers have been theoretically proved in the process of professional training; results: educational programme and methodological support of the special course “Competitive Activity” for students of the specialty “Hairdressing and Decorative Cosmetics”, a bank of creative tasks for the development of artistic and figurative thinking of future hairdressers, themes and instruction manuals for the development of artistic and creative projects for modeling of fashionable hairstyles and make-up, concepts and organisational and methodological support of students’ preparation for creative competitions in hairdressing art of different level; in order to solve research tasks there were selected and adapted diagnostic techniques for determining the levels of formation of artistic and figurative thinking of future hairdressers-designers; field – theory and methods of professional education


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