Zaiko L. Mass media as a social consciousness forming factor: social and philosophical analysis

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 09.00.03 - Соціальна філософія та філософія історії


Specialized Academic Board

К 14.053.02

Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University


The thesis focuses on social and philosophical analysis of mass media as a social consciousness forming factor. The research of systemic and polystructural nature of social consciousness made it possible to justify the necessity of using an interdisciplinary approach while studying the influence of mass media on social consciousness formation and to determine the effects of mass media impact on consciousness in the information society. The thesis studies the role of mass media as a social consciousness forming factor in the historical progress of the society and their dialectical interrelations; defines qualitative and quantitative characteristics of mass media content in terms of their influence on forming ideals, beliefs, values, worldviews and practical orientations of individuals, social groups and society; determines the growth of quantitative characteristics of electronic mass media outreach and the increase of their influence on social consciousness. According to the type of mass media there are constructive and destructive forms of their influence on social consciousness. Development of various forms of media literacy is substantiated. Particular attention is paid to the latest mass media as a global network that influences social consciousness, penetrates into value system and changes its philosophy, imposes new behavior upon an individual in the society, resulting in a new generation of people with particular worldview and life skills. According to the research, the primary mass media mechanisms of social consciousness manipulation are the language of presenting facts, the technique of repeating information, manipulating historical facts, using stereotypes, imposing a brand, hiding or distorting information, providing information with new semantic meanings, changing the focus field, using obscenities, neuromarketing practices, methods of imposing advertising products, etc. The research defines and develops the regulation on the destructive influence of the mass society concept with its mass culture on the formation of individual and social consciousness through the dominance mechanisms in the modern mass media of entertaining, advertising, agitational content and neutralizing their academic and educational functions. The research proves that consciental wars (wars of meanings) have become an integral part not only of ordinary citizens' lives, but also the basis of the latest military conflicts, acts of terrorism and extremism in the conditions of forming and developing an information-oriented society. The research accentuates that the attributive feature of modern electronic mass media manipulative influence on individual and social consciousness, in the Ukrainian information space in particular, is the possibility of a producer and a distributor of information content to stay anonymous, which results in the absence of their responsibility for the quality and truthful presentation of information. Widespread use of manipulative practices in modern mass media not only causes and enhances the level of despair and social apathy in society, but also leads to dehumanization of the spiritual continuum of a modern individual and, as a result, to the increase of aggression and violence in modern world. Consciental wars require mass production and retransmission of competitive information content, filled with national meanings, creation of positive information content in order to reduce aggressiveness and conflicts in the sphere of social communication and their influence on positive meanings formation of mass media audience consciousness. Protection of individual and social consciousness from information overload and manipulative influences depends greatly on media ecology and media literacy of an individual as special mechanisms of information filtration. Media ecology of an individual comprises development of their firm worldviews and high level of education. Media literacy helps a consumer of information feel free in mass media space. Crucial mechanisms to neutralize manipulative influences in mass media are: developing alternative public sources of information that would be out of control of political and business interests of the authorities and media owners; differentiating media influence based on the age and professional characteristics of the audience; limiting access of children to watching and listening to mass media content. The research substantiates its relevance for contemporary Ukraine, as well as the necessity to protect social consciousness from destructive impacts of mass media in the context of consciental wars, especially the manipulative influences on social consciousness.


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