Zaremba N. Socio-pharmaceutical substantiation of the drug policy model for young people.

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


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  • 15.00.01 - Технологія ліків, організація фармацевтичної справи та судова фармація


Specialized Academic Board

Д 35.600.02

Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University


The object – organization of providing pharmaceutical care to young people when choosing medicines; the purpose – to develop and scientifically substantiate the model of drug policy for young people in health care in Ukraine; the methods – system approach and analysis, bibliosemantic, content analysis, sociological, clinical-pharmaceutical, medical-statistical, structural-logical analysis, conceptual modeling, expert evaluation; the results – according to the results of the pursued research, it was established that among the negative factors that, above all, influence on health, in respondents’ judgment, were the disturbances in dietary pattern, stress situations and psycho-emotional strains, while the factor of «drug abuse / overdrugging», pursuant to the sum of mean grades, was only on the 13 position among all factors. This testifies to the absolute unawareness and underestimation of danger due to drug abuse by young people who were interviewed. The results of the evaluation of students' behavior regarding medicines and self-treatment showed that all applicants of the analyzed educational institutions had on average at least one uncontrolled intake of drugs per year, that confirmed the problem of irresponsible self-treatment among future doctors. It was established a list of medications that respondents took during the last month in the format of self-treatment, of which non-narcotic analgesics, vitamins and antispasmodics were used. The created medico-pharmaceutical addendum «Test of drug compatibility» based on the operative system Android for mobile devices is an important innovative method of influencing students' behavior regarding medicines. It is a very important innovative method of influence on the drug behavior of students which will be helpful in prompt revealing the drug compatibility and, thereby, preventing the development of complications. The elaborated and introduced model of optimization of the drug policy of young people «Program of drug policy for young people in Health Care of Ukraine» has a foreseen functionally-organized improvement and interdisciplinary approach with a compliance of medics, pharmacists and educators/teachers. Its introduction will lead to the reduced level of irresponsible self-treatment and by that prevent risk of complications of pharmacotherapy; introduced – the research materials are implemented and used: in the practical work of health care institutions – non-profit municipal enterprise (NME) «1st City Clinical Hospital named after Prince Lev»; NME «Staryi Sambir Center for primary health care (CPHC)»; NME «Rozhyshche CPHC»; NME «Rakhiv CPHC»; in the practical work of pharmacies – educational and industrial pharmacy of Danylo Halytsky LNMU; Municipal Enterprise of Lviv Regional Council «Pharmacy No. 1»; pharmaceutical facility (PhF) an entrepreneur Kh. I. Makukh; PhF an entrepreneur M. B. Melnyk; direction – pharmacy.


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