Hranovska T. Formation of cognitive independence of pupils of 7th–9th grades by means of mobile technologies in the educational process in natural sciences

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 13.00.01 - Загальна педагогіка та історія педагогіки


Specialized Academic Board

Д 44.053.03

Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University


The work is devoted to theoretical and experimental research of the problem of formation of cognitive independence of pupils of 7th–9th grades during studying of natural disciplines with use of means of mobile technologies. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, the essence of cognitive independence is established and the peculiarities of its formation in the educational process of natural sciences are highlighted. The factors of effective application of mobile technologies in the educational process аre determined and the peculiarities of the means of mobile technologies that contribute to the formation of cognitive independence of students in the educational process in natural sciences are established. The didactic conditions of formation of cognitive independence of pupils of 7th–9th grades with use of means of mobile technologies are developed and substantiated. The obtained results of the conducted pedagogical experiment testified to the effectiveness of the implementation of certain didactic conditions for the formation of cognitive independence of students in grades 7th–9th in the educational process in natural subjects by means of mobile technologies.


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