Oshchypok O. Influence of drip irrigation and plant protection on grape productivity in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukrain

Українська версія

Thesis for the degree of Candidate of Sciences (CSc)

State registration number


Applicant for


  • 06.01.02 - Сільськогосподарські меліорації


Specialized Academic Board

Д 67.379.01

Institute of Irrigated Agriculture of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine


Object of study – dynamics of water and nutrient regime of grapes, processes of growth, development and formation of the studied crop depending on the irrigation regime, varietal composition and plant protection. Purpose – improvement of elements of technology of cultivation of various grades of a nursery and industrial plantings of grapes for use of drop irrigation and systems of protection of plants in the conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Methods – general scientific (analysis, synthesis, observation, comparison, measurement, etc.), special (field, laboratory-field, laboratory, certified generally accepted scientific methods), mathematical-statistical and computational-comparative. Results – it is established that the use of fungicides (chemical protection) and the biological product Mikosan B (bioprotection) has a high level of effectiveness with some advantage of the former. Varieties Isabella, Delight in the studied area of viticulture are characterized as highly resistant, Bianca and Arcadia - as medium-resistant, and the firstborn of Magarach, Rkatsiteli and Chardonnay - as low-resistant to mildew. The level of protective measures when using biological products to protect grape seedlings from mildew - 50% or more - allows you to grow standard seedlings of grape varieties with high, medium and low field endurance. Weather conditions in some years of research to some extent influenced the formation of the number of shoots on the bushes of industrial plantations of grapes. The lowest yield per 1 ha was at the level of 6.6 tons in the non-irrigated version. The use of drip irrigation according to the resource-saving and biologically optimal scheme provided an increase in yield by 16.8-28.3% - up to 7.9-9.2 t/ha. Its largest value (9.5 t/ha) was formed under the biologically optimal irrigation regime in 2013. It was determined that production costs were reduced at the control sites to 7.3-7.9 thousand UAH/ha, and with the use of drip irrigation on the resource-saving and biologically optimal scheme, they increased to 11.1-11.7 and 12.5-12.7 thousand UAH/ha or 1.4-1.5 and 1.6-1.7 times, respectively. The largest conditional net profit of 14.2 thousand UAH/ha was obtained under the biologically optimal regime of drip irrigation, while the profitability was 113.7%. Novelty – for the first time comprehensively substantiated scientific provisions and practical recommendations for improving the efficiency of drip irrigation in the cultivation of nurseries and industrial grapes in arid conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. The effectiveness of the use of biological products for the cultivation of different genetic potential varieties of the studied culture. The scientific value – improved biologized intensive technology for growing nurseries and industrial grapes by establishing optimal irrigation and plant protection regimes for varieties with different genetic potential of productivity and genetic resistance to pathogens. Sector – agriculture.


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